Timmorn, Lord of the Hunt Character in Lands of Legend | World Anvil
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Timmorn, Lord of the Hunt

(a.k.a. The Beast Lord)

Perhaps the angriest and most vengeful of the godlings, Timmorn is the unwanted and unwelcome son born from a secret dalliance between Skeinor and his wife's sister Metra.  Ashamed of what she had done, she hid the pregnancy from her sister even as they crafted the Lands between them.  Timmorn was born deep in the earth, in a cave built for the purpose.   After his birth, Timmorn was raised mainly in darkness so Raya would not come to know him and be alerted to her sister's betrayal.  His mother Metra lapsed into an unending sleep soon after he was born, and Skeinor has never acknowledged him.  He was raised instead by the wild things in the wilderness and learned the savage natural order.   According to legend, Timmorn knew and allied himself with Korax the Dominator, even marrying one of his generals.  However, Korax betrayed the Beast Lord and Timmorn turned against him, even abandoning his wife.  Bitter and alone, Timmorn is said to still walk the untamed wilderness, stalking any prey that should cross his path.   It is said that Timmorn leads the Wild Hunt, a supernatural party of predators that races across the lands at certain times, slaughtering everything in their path.  His main worshipers are beast-kin, such as the bear-like Karhu, Lizardfolk, Lionkin, and especially werewolves and the like.  His religion is called the Cult of Beasts.  Timmorn will rarely award his faithful with gifts that permit them to summon and exercise control over certain animals.

Divine Domains

Hunting, murder, violence, and animals, especially predators.  Timmorn claims all beast-kin, including Karhu, Lizardfolk, Gnolls, Lionkin, and Werewolves as under his dominion and dubious protection.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A horned eye, wreathed in red like blood

Tenets of Faith

One is either predator or prey.  Know which you are.  The strong shall always slaughter the weak.  Strive to be the hunter in all things, rather than the hunted.
Divine Classification


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