Astoria, Lady of Blades Character in Lands of Legend | World Anvil
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Astoria, Lady of Blades

(a.k.a. Battlemistress, Heaven's General)

Astoria is the daughter of Skeinor, born fully formed from his thigh where he had been bitten by the World Serpent. Her dogma dictates the use of careful tactics in battle to achieve victory, under the belief that sound strategy is the best way to win a battle with the most favorable outcome. She is worshiped by generals, strategists, certain nobles, and professional soldiers the world over. Truly neutral, she does not care if good or evil prevails in any conflict, only that the rules of war are followed, and victory is achieved through superior strategy rather than brute force. She does not condone slaughter for its own sake and believes that peace must always follow war. Astoria appears as a tall redheaded woman in full battle gear, wielding a sword.

Divine Domains

War, strategy, victory, and feats of strength.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An upraised sword on a blue and white diamond-shaped shield.  Astoria is also symbolized by her holy flower, the blue aster, which her faithful will paint in the top left corner of their flags or shields.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Astoria is depicted as a beautiful young woman with pale skin and long unbound red hair.  She wears silver plate armor, but bears no shield.  She is always shown wielding a sword, although the length and type varies.  Occasionally, Astoria has been depicted wearing a helmet adorned with golden eagle's wings, but typically she is shown bareheaded.
Divine Classification


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