Escape from Erion


A long time ago, when Erion was but a small settlement, a thief had been cought and was being dragged towards the village hall.

Knowing that their life was surely to be cut short the thief decided to struggle with all their might, but the villagers were overpowering. Small wonder when the villagers were almost twice the size.

Once before the tribunal the hearing was swift and the thief was sentenced to be hanged in the morning on the following day. Until then the thief was to be put in chains and thrown into the donjon.

There the thief sat as night fell. While they were not strong they still had their wit and so they slowly worked their hair needle into their hand and then, ever so carefully they worked on the locks that held the chains to their wrists.

Eventually, as the moon had just started to move towards the horizon, the locks gave way. Now the thief was able to move freely within the confines of their room.

They looked out of the small window through which no human could fit, but they were considerably smaller than a human and so the thief had found their avenue of escape, be it a dangerous one.

As they climed out onto the wall they were holding onto the stonework and gingerly they made their way down the wall.

Once down the thief was beaming with pride. Pride which was cut short when a voice spoke.

Impressive, it said. The thief spun around and went for their dagger, only to remember that the guards had taken it. No need for that, the voice continued, now obviously coming from a mysterious figure hiding ing the shadows beneath a stable roof.

The figure continued speaking, talking about an offer to find greater riches that could ever be found in the small village that was Erion, if the thief was willing to go along with the figure.

The thief considered their options carefully before nodding and then they both walked away from Erion, never to be seen again.

Cultural Reception

This myth is most often told in order to make sure that people understand the importance to create structures that are appropriate for those that are supposed to be there, as well as a warning that criminals should not be given time or opportunities to escape.

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