Dod Karrpi
No, you won't feel the bottom. Yes, you will die if you jump in.
Located in the shifting caverns of the Underdark Dod Karrpi flows wildly downward from the surface. A source has not been found and because the direction shifts with the movement of the caves and caverns it has no fixed destination either, though some people speculate that it ends up at deaths door. Considering the streams lethality that is an understandable belief.
The shifts also makes it more difficult to identify the stream specifically as the Dod Karrpi, but there is a helpful saying:
Beware the stream that feels like ice, else you must pay the price.
Beware the stream that has a pull, your lungs it will make full.
Beware the stream that is very clear, or you will disappear.
In case you disagree, enjoy your death in Dod Karrpi.
The only thing known about life in the Dod Karrpi is from anecdotal accounts. The most credible claims is that there are small creatures living on the banks, just barely in the water. Some less credible accounts claim to have seen a massive creature clawing its way against the stream.
Localized Phenomena
Interestingly, Dod Karrpi has never been documented to flow into other caverns or caves, seemingly always having its own route. However, some speculate that this is likely because there were no witnesses, because Dod Karrpi leaves no one alive.
Natural Resources
For some travellers finding the rapids can be a blessing, as it is a reliable source of fresh, and very cold, water.
The rapids have been known since ancient times. The etymology of the name has been lost due to its age as well as the fact that there have been so many different names for it in the past. Names that translate into "deaths water", "life taker", "loves end" and similarly morbid names.
Location under
Nice addition to have the rhyme :p So it is still safe to drink but just not to try to cross it if I read it correctly?
You read it correctly. Drink to your hearts content, just don't slip :D