Kulog Item in Lanath | World Anvil


An ancient light hammer of classical dwarven craftsmanship, Kulog was found in the hoard of the young green dragon Venomfang in the ruins of Thundertree. The haft of the weapon is inscribed with a number of dwarven runes, written in an obscure ancient dialect. The head of the weapon is covered in a thick layer of rust which stubbornly clings to the surface in spite of all attempts to clean it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings



Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder


Weapon Finesse Light Thrown Legendary (this item requires attunement)

Kulog is an ancient dwarven +1 light hammer

Kulog has four runic abilities:
Kulog (Thunder): When the hammer is struck against a solid surface (stone/metal) it emits a deafening crack of thunder in a 300ft range; coupled with a wave of force in a 10ft cube. Any creature in range must make a DC12 Constitution save, or take 1d8 additional Thunder damage and be pushed back 10ft. On a successful save the creature takes half damage and is not pushed back. This ability recharges during a short rest
Babalik (Return): As a free action, the user can recall the hammer to their hand. This ability only works for the character the hammer is attuned to.
Malaki (Grow): As a free action, the user can cause Kulog to grow into a two handed warhammer. The hammer no longer counts as a finesse weapon, can no longer be thrown (although if it is already in the air, it will continue to fly). In this form, Kulog must be wielded two handed. Damage in this form increases to 2d6+1 + STR (or DEX if charged using Kiliat - see below)
Kiliat (Lightning): As a bonus action, the character can charge Kulog with lightning. The next attack deals an additional 1d6 lightning damage
Rune Combinations
  • Charging (using Kiliat) the two handed warhammer form (through Malaki) removes the additional weight of the hammer. While charged the hammer regains its Light, Finesse and Thrown properties. In this state, the additional Lightning damage increases to 2d6
  • While charged (using Kiliat) using Babalik while holding the hammer, causes Kulog to lift the wielder off the ground, and gives the wielder 20ft fly speed.
  • Using Kiliat to charge the hammer recharges the Kulog effect, allowing the hammer to be used to produce a thunder strike multiple times in succession.

Unlocked Form By combining the hammer's runes in a particular order, the full power of Kulog can be unlocked.
The wielder can use Malaki to enlarge the hammer, then Kiliat to charge it. Utterting Babalik causes the hammer to lift the wielder high into the air. A blast of lightning arcs from the clouds into the hammer's head, burning away all of the rust. Kulog and the wielder then plummet to the ground. As it hits the ground, it produces a massive thunderstrike in a 20ft radius. Any creatures in the blast radius must make a DC12 Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 Thunder damage and be knocked back 10ft. A successful save causes them to take half as much damage and avoid the knockback effect.
When the dust clears, the hammer has vanished and the wielder has grown to Large size (~10ft tall).
Alternatively - Kulog's power can be unlocked as a bonus action, and the Thunderwave explosion produced is optional.
  • The wielder's Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 8 (this may increase the scores beyond 20).
  • Unarmed attacks (including wrestling moves) deal an additional 1d8 Bludgeoning damage and 1d6 Lightning damage.
  • The wielder gains 20ft Fly speed
  • The effect can be sustained for 10 minutes, before the wielder's body is unable to contain the hammer's power any longer. The wielder returns to normal and gains a level of Exhaustion. Kulog reappears in the wielder's hand.
  • Alternatively - the user can elect to voluntarily return to their natural form.  When voluntarily returning, roll a d6.  On a 4 or higher, the user does NOT gain a level of Exhaustion

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Simple Melee 1d4+1 + STR / DEX / 2d6+1 + STR / {DEX} (Malaki) / 1d6 Lightning (Kiliat) / 2d6 Lightning (Kiliat & Malaki) Bludgeoning 60/120ft Finesse Light Thrown


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Mar 17, 2020 13:56 by Clootie McToot (Louiseabeanyweany)

Have I mentioned I love me hammer? Cos I freakin' love me hammer!

Mar 18, 2020 09:15

Could you do me a favour? Can you see the section of Kulog's history under Significance? Still getting the hang of secrets, and you're my best guinea pig...

Mar 18, 2020 15:41 by Clootie McToot (Louiseabeanyweany)

Under Significance there is a table with item type and current holder (me!) can’t see anything about its history.

Mar 18, 2020 18:20

Excellent! That means you can't see any of the hidden info