Kurdu Forgegrog Character in Lanar | World Anvil
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Kurdu Forgegrog

Description Kurdu Forgegrog is a 308 year old male mountain dwarf artificier. He has very long, curled, auburn hair and brown eyes. He has rugged golden skin. He stands 154cm (5'0") tall and has a beefy build. He has an edgy, slightly unremarkable face with a medium soul patch. He has 4 shocking piercings on his lip.
  Personality Traits He discretely worships Kelemvor, God of death and the dead. (Lawful Neutral) He is always ready to help others. He takes everything at face-value. He harbours a deep hatred of orcs and goblins. He uses a beautiful walking cane. He loves discovering new mysteries and solving them. Leader of: @She

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