Gilme Isilielenion Character in Lanar | World Anvil
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Gilme Isilielenion

Description Gilme Isilielenion is a 266 year old female firbolg witch. She has long, curled, silver hair shaved on the left side and blue eyes. She has rough gray skin. She stands 227cm (7'5") tall and has a massive build. She has a round, average face. She smokes the pipe frequently.
  Personality Traits She openly worships Corellon Larethian, God of elves, magic, music, arts, crafts, war, poetry, bards, warriors. (Chaotic Good) She would rather act than talk or think. She is not very obstinate. She got lost years ago and could never find her home. She secretly wants to become the ruler of the city. Is from Shaintis Wastes lead witch of the Wintergaze Tribe

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