Austere Sinner in Lanar | World Anvil
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Austere Sinner

Austere Sinner is a Tabaxi Rogue from the Souzar Empire and is in service to the Empress Shari Smeltmaster. He has set out to atone for a murder he committed. His name is a reference to the austere "saint" of the same name, which refers to him as an "abstainer", someone who abstains from various things that are considered sinful by society. After the murder he swore his fealty to the Empire in atonement for his crime now works to help Shari to rid the world of evils. His Father Acolyte knows nothing of his crimes, his mother died some time back. Austere Sinner was originally a member of the "Six Blades" but left to work with Shari. He's very loyal to Shari and will do anything she commands. He's a skilled killer and can be quite dangerous when angered or threatened. Once he sets his mind on something it becomes hard to dissuade him from it, though this can lead to Shari having to resort to more drastic measures if need be. He is one who is slow to anger, and quite level headed always one to find reason before taking action. He's also quick witted and often uses humor to diffuse tense situations. Austere Sinner makes no distinction between friend or foe, he does not care about the past or what people have done before. When he speaks in questions it is a clue that Austere is lying. Austere's nickname is "The Reaper". Austere Sinner grew up in a small village on the outskirts of the Souzar Empire. He had a normal childhood, his father was a blacksmith and his mother a seamstress.

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