Laminarum The Reclamation of Krakan Bower

The Reclamation of Krakan Bower

Military: Battle


The Battle that resulted in the death of Kadekonatl, the reclamation of Krakan Bower, the punishment of the Kaban, and the diaspora of the Marsh Orcs.

After regrouping with the Snow Rocks, Vestergil took to Krakan Bower on his own. Knowing the stories of the Ohdaufehl and the events at the Gates of Vast, the people of Thiff and Vhan Kath followed when they saw him move North in the skies.   At Krakan Bower, Kadelkonatl had returned to slumber in the Deep-Sea-Dwells to recover from his grave injuries when fighting Vestergil. His people were uncertain how to proceed during these times, and this remained the norm until Vestergil attacked the city with human and Tara-Jhen forces.   Kadelkonatl arose to fight them off, though he had not fully recovered. The attack was swift, giving little time to strategize. Knowing that the Ocean Pride had done the same, the Marsh Orcs fled East, hoping to avoid death (and likely knowing their master was soon to perish).   The Kaban were a poor defensive force and there were hardly enough Western Elves to serve sufficiently. Vestergil and the Naga-Tel turned their attention to Kadelkonatl, who would receive mortal injuries before sinking back to the Deep-Sea-Dwells. The city was returned to the Tara-Jhen, where the Kaban would be punished for their crimes against their slave masters. A watch was left for Kadelkonatl, but he would never return and the Kaban would never hear his commands again.

Related Location
Krakan Bower
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