Laminarum Council of Kala Offers Relief to Roja

Council of Kala Offers Relief to Roja

Financial Event


Kala Offers a trade deal with Roja in exchange for aid in relieving the Renad-Pai disaster. While Ghattadon warned against the deal, Roja would comply.

After the Council of Kala came into power, unrest began to grow regarding their "land lording" of industries, as land taxes skyrocketed with the steady increase of production quantities. As the taxes began to surpass production, the streets became rife with protests and burnings, including the destruction of notable libraries, government service buildings, and barracks. While the council wished to diminish the unrest, they wanted to expand their authority through city remodeling, increased government employment, and better quality of life to ensure less infant mortality (in order to fuel the aforementioned government employment in order to accomplish these goals, taxes had to remain the same. The solution came in the form of the Renad-pai Relief Act.   In order to excavate the crucial mines of Renad-Pai along side Roja and Ghattadon, the Council of Kala would offer a relief program. Kala would offer men, resources, financial padding, and a guaranteed trade deal with Roja (in which they would purchase a mandatory amount of fine metals from Roja annually). In exchange, the trade of metals would remain exclusive to Kala until the year 879EG, and Roja would have to use Kalan ports to trade abroad. The use of Kalan ports was appreciated at first, as Renad-Pai's eruption destroyed its ports and made passage difficult for large ships. In the years down the line, this trade deal would become a curse, entrapping Roja to high tariff for over a millennium.   When all was said and done, Roja would pay the reasonable tariffs of Kala in order to supplement the nation's decreased land taxes. As the years went on, the taxes would grow more exorbitant.

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