Laminarum Snow Rock Church of Bailum Sends Support to Vhan Kath

Snow Rock Church of Bailum Sends Support to Vhan Kath

Military action


The movement of several storm mages to Thiff from the Snow Rock Isles.

After learning of Eyiliv's advancement throughout the war, as well as Kadelkonatl's domination of Thiff, the people of the Snow Rock Isles began to fear the possible spread beyond the Marsh. Vestergil had previously made it clear that the humans of the Isles should avoid involvement unless their own lands were attacked. Lacking a valid reason from Vestergil, the Snow Rock priesthood decided to involve themselves anyway and sent support to their distant cousins.   Seven mages were sent and they would prove to be invaluable in the fight against Thiff, though it would prompt an attack against the Snow Rock Isles in later months.

Related Location
Mot D'nir
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Related timelines & articles
War of Eyiliv