Laminarum Astania discrimination, Many move to found Caripreet

Astania discrimination, Many move to found Caripreet



The founding of Caripreet after extensive discrimination from the rulers of Astania.

After the betrayal by the Fjordstrond, the rulers of Astania became bitter. Anyone that had not descended from the founding clans of Astania was treated poorly. This started as social exclusion, but as paranoia grew (and a few violent incidents broke out), the individuals with Shellbay or Fjordstrond relatives took their leave, heading southwest. Eventually, they would find the sea. They were near mountains, creating a natural border from the Marsh, and held a decent position for trade with the bordering continent as well.   This would lead to a jumping off point for the meeting between humans and elves and the eventual pirating of the J'barri en masse.

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