J'barri naming convention Tradition / Ritual in Laminarum | World Anvil

J'barri naming convention

The naming convention for the oldest J'barri offspring between two parents (the oldest that survives long enough to be considered a permanent member of the family)   The father's last name becomes the child's first name, and the mother's last name becomes the child's last name. For example, a father named "Jie Teka" and mother named "Hrata Maut," would result in a child named "Teka Maut."   Subsequent children are named whatever the parent pleases, still following the first/last naming convention. Because of this, the oldest child (or rarely, a younger one that follows this naming convention instead) is considered to be the individual that carries on the name of the family. Regardless, names do not intended to last eternally in this culture, reflecting their views on permanence and living in the moment.


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