Icelend Whale Species in Laminarum | World Anvil

Icelend Whale

Icelend whales are widely known around Laminarum. While they are named after the titular lands north of Trinen, they reside all across the northern range of the Laminarum ice caps. They are currently considered the largest extant species of toothed whale, averaging 70 feet. While they are generally docile and curious by nature, they have undergone extensive hunting by any crews that can travel so far north, as their fat is considered the best in the world for long-lasting candles.  

Curious and Intelligent

The extent of their intelligence is unknown, but one could consider them incapable of ignoring their surroundings. If an icelend whale manages to detect a boat in its area, it will typically investigate from a distance before getting up close and personal. These beasts are known for sticking their heads out of the water and observing passengers of ongoing vessels. Some reports show that they are capable of exchanging baubles, as they balance random pieces of driftwood or other curious upon their head in exchange for fish. Sometimes, they will exchange for another item of little or no value. The purpose of this behavior is unknown, as they do not seem to display sentimental value towards the items being traded, nor is trading the easiest way for them to gain food.   Some individuals, such as Everis Dumont, reported cases in which the whales would perform rituals around items they accidentally destroyed (or killed). This is often displayed with rafts, as they sustain damage or overturn due to the mammal's overzealous approach. The pods of surrounding whales will then line themselves in a circle beneath the raft (as if sleeping) and slowly revolve around it.   The last major behavior is the tendency for these whales to "spray" visitors. Upon revealing themselves from the depths below, they will exhale and drench any nearby sailors with water. Whether this is a show of affection or a deliberate attempt to 'prank' the visitors is up for debate, and the world may never know.  


These whales have a grey stomach, but the rest of their body is covered in leathery black skin. Their eyes are arranged near their mouths, which are mounted upon a surprisingly small head. Their forehead protrudes ever so slightly, almost appearing as if a pillow was placed upon their head. These pillows are filled with oil and are prized among Western elves.


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