The Green Organization in Kytheria | World Anvil
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The Green

This simple name belies the complexity of millennia of practice, numerous sects and off-shoots, and (though these are few) wars of righteousness even among its own members from time to time. Praising the goddess Kytheria as Mother of All, those faithful of the Green have always had direct and tangible support from the very world herself- none can deny the efficacy of the draenach when these latter are roused to anger. Whispers that the goddess herself has manifested at times throughout history are typically dismissed by scholars, but none can deny the staggering losses of those few armies who set out to quell the Green for good.   Tenets for laypersons are simple enough in most places, though the degree of strictness varies wildly based on type, place, or sect. The universal tenets are as follows:  
  • Observe Hospitality: if a stranger comes to your door and asks for hospitality, you are obliged to feed and house them for three days and three nights. The stranger is obliged to respect your hospitality by taking nothing but what is offered, and failure to abide by this forfeits the life of said stranger. A house already providing hospitality is not obligated to do so again for the duration of its generosity.
  • Return what you have borrowed: for every tree felled, a worshipper of the Green must plant one. For every field harvested, the worshipper must leave dung, or undesirable animal remains, or cover plants for the field to consume. Most communities make it a point to log how much is taken from the land and arrange holiday celebrations to replenish it all at once.
  • Honor the dead and those who speak for them: humans who worship the Green are nearly obsessed with death, to the point of making more urban humans uncomfortable at times. Life is seen as a cycle between worlds of the living and dead, with those who exemplify noble attributes eventually being reborn as elves. Elves have little to say on the matter, though observant historians note that the rare elven incursions against humans have never targeted a civilization following the Green.
  • Structure

    Draenach are a loose and often solitary bunch, with one typically serving several small villages in a small area. Great gatherings are convened occasionally, and the wisest crone from each of the Three Sisters is generally considered the leader of her continent, and the three will often confer on important matters. The means by which one becomes this crone is unknown to any but the crones themselves, but they gain clairvoyance and the ability to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye. Their prophetic powers are also unparalleled, but as the future is written in the fluid logic of dreams, only the wisest can make sense of their predictions.

    Public Agenda

    The Green exists to preserve Kytheria. All cultures know the stories of the gods who ruined their own home with war and fire, and those living on Mother Kytheria do their utmost not to repeat those mistakes.


    Larger cities have houses of worship for the Green where it is practiced, and these are often donated to by wealthy patrons who wish to be on good terms with the goddess. Said money often funds the relatively modest lifestyles of draenach and the three crones, or is used for reforestation.


    The Green has existed from the beginning of human history. Its changes and permutations have all had significant impacts and some branches of the religion barely recognize each other, but all are bound by a love for the goddess and the tenets above.

    "From the Mother of All, to whom All must return."

    Religious, Organised Religion

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