Bustani Organization in Kytheria | World Anvil
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South of Mtiwamikuki, the land changes dramatically as rain saturates the peninsula south of the Sword Sea. Bustani is a nation built within a massive rainforest, with plains cleared to the east by the coast and the unusual polygonal formations of Kytheria in the west. Freshwater lakes dominate the interior, and the people of Bustani have an easy time living of the literal fruits of the jungle, supplemented with hunting and rice farming. This land of plenty has a few natural defenses, and much like their neighbors to the north the citizens of Bustani have learned to live comfortably within their nation while others struggle. The cities here are built on raised mounds, with buildings occasionally being incorporated into large trees, to get people off the ground where disease carrying insects are rampant. The few forces who have tried to lay siege to Bustani haven't lasted longer than a few weeks as malaria and fevers swept through their camps.   Befitting their environment, the religion of the people here is heavily focused on nature and animism. There is little in the way of religious organization, and every city and village has their own customs with respect for the land remaining paramount.


A high king or queen sits in the largest city of the country, but local affairs are handled by local monarchs, who only petition the high king or queen when the country as a whole is potentially threatened. Warriors are drafted from their villages and cities as needed, and the expectation is that every citizen in the country will train with weapons on occasion. Though this doesn't produce warriors as skilled as those in Mtiwamikuki, numbers and the advantage of knowing their homes gives Bustani an admirable defense. Those with more money or prosperity in general are expected to contribute more, and skyships or warmachines commissioned by the wealthy are common in larger cities. These warriors often lead defenses by default.

Public Agenda

Bustani has no expansionist goals, being content with the bounty provided by their country. Trade is their priority, as the excess resources of the jungle (including carefully harvested rare woods) fetch a good price in foreign markets.


Over thousands of years, dozens of warmachines and skyships have been built by wealthy citizens, and many of these remain well-maintained. The country also has rare woods which serve as a trade resource and a valuable substance for the construction of skyships.


Bustani began as a collection of cities who slowly banded together over mutual culture and religion. As the Seven Kingdoms solidified into their current forms, Bustani rose as a prominent (and untouchable) source of food and wood.

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