Winter Elderberry Species in Kyrn | World Anvil

Winter Elderberry

The Winter Elderberry is a variation of the common Elderberry. It can be found mostly in the higher latitudes of Kyrn, and in the southern mountains at a an elevation above 2000 feet. The Winter Eldreberry is distinguished by it's lighter colored, almost white berries, as opposed to the darker blues and blacks of other species of Elderberry.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Winter Elderberry can be eaten when ripe, but it more common usage is cooked in pies or pastries, or brewed in wine or teas. Many diverse peoples use the Winter Elderberry branches with leaves and berries attached as decorations and fragrance in the home, before drying the elderberries for storage.  The dried elderberries are often added to cakes, muffins and many elves use them in making their trail rations for journeys.
Average Height
4' to 8'


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