Muzga Character in Kyrn | World Anvil


Mugza is the woman of Zarid , who won her by defeating both Mugza's former mate, and Mugza herself in single combat. Mugza then pledged herself to Zarid, as he took over the leadership of the small clan of Orcs that were fleeing the Kran-cresh Hobgoblins in the Khaziram Mountains.   Zarid had to leave the clan to continue on with the party, but he left Muzga, as his woman, in charge of leading the rest of the clan to safety.

​Muzga was the woman of the leader of the remenants of the Long Claw tribe. The PCs encuntered her at the Orc Camp. She was defeated by Zarid in combat for leadership of the clan, and has now submitted herself and the rest of the clan to Zarid.​

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