Kyre The Splice
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The Splice

Era beginning/end


The day the worlds collided and became one.

A global disaster occurring a few thousand years ago. It began with strange lights in the sky, lasting around two red months before the event. Religious figures warned people to prepare for the worst, and the world flew into a state of panic as the lights grew brighter and more furious. Eventually, there was a global snap, a flash of light, and tremendous sound. Those who survived the initial arcane shock and the global earthquakes noticed in horror a brand new moon hanging in the sky. Two worlds were now stitched on top of each other along a worldwide lattice, and its walls severed many nations and even a few individual cities from themselves. A new era had begun.   In the hours and days that followed, there was heavy wind and storm, volcanic eruptions, and devastating tsunamis on virtually every coast. As people started picking up pieces, they encountered never-before seen beasts. In the years that followed, the survivors of each world were quick to take up arms against each other. Also, many children born soon after the Splice were decidedly different. Some had drastic physical differences, and some had unusual affinity with magic, which was also considerably wilder now. People would sometimes go missing, especially if they went to investigate the thin, bright pillars of light where the interplanar walls converged. Most blamed these ills and many others on the new moon.

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