Stormsong: Sessions 4 & 5 Report in Kyre | World Anvil
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Stormsong: Sessions 4 & 5

General Summary

  • The party met their wilderness guide Renn, who had a pet goose, and two researchers that would join them: Lykwi Tobbeltobble and Ytrimid.
  • After a days journey, they stayed overnight in the quiet, solemn village of Qasavin. The Qasavin jungle is notoriously haunted, so it keeps its gates closed as often as possible.
  • Early the next morning, the group left for the temple. The researchers made camp outside, and helped the party open the door.
  • Inside, straight ahead there was a mosaic of the Brazen gods and the mirrors of the Four Children. There were 6 chambers dedicated to one of these gods of civilization. In each, all sculptures of them were defaced.
  • Thova's chamber led to Ryuna's, where skeletons were animated by a ghostly mist that seeped up from the floor. The next was for Vellis, where the skeletons did not animate but there were several shadows that attacked them. Once defeated, the skeletons in the previous room were starting to reanimate again, so the party hurried their way out.
  • Branching off of Thova's chamber was also some living quarters, where there were many old bodies. The party was able to loot some valuables from them and their beds, and found another living quarters on the mirror side of the temple that was mostly collapsed.
  • Although Datarr's chamber was also collapsed, they were able to enter the other wing and found an old, mundane sword along the way. Kalmir's and Ajun's chambers had inscriptions that they brought Ytrimid in to translate.
  • The inscriptions in Kalmir's chamber were "that which we do not know is sacred" (over a statue of the god shielding his writing) and "the gift of knowledge is bestowed from on high." Michael tried speaking various riddles and paradoxes, and felt a sense of amusement in response, but nothing else happened Looking at his writing dealt instant psychic damage, but looking up the party found a token with the god's rune on it.
  • Since the inscription in Ajun's chamber said "true wealth is stored up in the heart," Augustus found a secret vault in Ajun's statue and took the magic items and token inside while Michael distracted Ytrimid. Mic tried to convince the linguist that he was a former priest and could bless him with the ability to translate a hidden inscription that had induced psychic damage upon previous attempts to look at it.
  • Michael took a parchment and some book ashes to make a rubbing of the inscription to see if that would help. Ytrimid could read it, but found that he could not speak it. Instead, he let him look into his mind for the translation: "It's nice to meet you, Michael."
  • The last unknown inscription, on the altar before the mosaic, read "Those who reap the relics of civilization for themselves will leave all they have gained at life's Altar and sink into Chaos."
  • Everyone but Auggie took a long rest before searching for the other tokens, because he had accrued a curse from the treasure he took and felt compelled to dig for the gold that he could detect somewhere beneath the temple.
  • After re-fighting the skeletons and sifting through dead bodies, the last two tokens were found. The party placed them in the altar, and a platform next to the mosaic wall began to twist into the floor. When it came to a stop a similar altar was before them, and a hallway with four more rooms.
  • At Auggie's sleep-deprived request, they went to the room where he sensed a lot of gold. Inside were 6 golden statues around a chest, which came to life and attacked. Renn was grabbed by one and started turning to gold where it touched him, but the party disposed of the statues and found a token among the chest's loot.
  • In the next room, the party was surprised to see a well-lit living space, and live dwarves and humans coming to arms. There was a lot of door opening and slamming from both sides as the humanoids collapsed and pushed the ghostly mist from earlier out of their bodies to attack the party, but a well-placed fireball torched them well enough. Inside were various potions and the next token.
  • While the party braced themselves for another attack in the third room, the four hawkish humanoids in each corner only stared at them. Each stood on a pile of rotting books and scrolls. When Auggie threw a copy of his spellbook into the center of the room, they all lunged for it and each others unguarded goods, taking their scraps back to their own hoards where they read them feverishly. 
  • Working together, the party created an illusion of a seductive hoarder flaunting fresh books and sauntering into the room and back out. Miraculously, although the hoarders seemed uninterested at first, a buzzing energy like laughter filled the room as their eyes glazed over and they followed the illusion out.
  • The party shut the door behind them and began searching for the token, but it could not be found. 
Michael De'Val
Chaotic Good Teifling - Dispater (Lawyer)
Sorcerer 6
27 / 27 HP
Lyra Brightfang
Augustus Aníbal
Report Date
26 Jun 2021

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Cover image: Kyre's Banner by CuttleSquish


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