Rhazien Sallow, the Abbot of Water

Like a dam holding back the full force of a river is water magic while the mighty Leviathan remains caged. Break it out, and magic like you've never seen will sweep Materia.
~ Rhazien Sallow ~

Born to the tribal water folk of Yverno — the Hydre Nenar — Rhazien's parents, as well as the tribe at large had high hopes for his life in its culture. He was born during a lightning storm. Chief Zolin and the other shamans prophesied this as a good omen from Hwesta.   Rhazien's water affinity was tested from a very early age, which he excelled in. He learned to call forth a river and part a lake even before he underwent Nenar tradition for reaching adulthood. And when he did finish those ceremonies, he was one of its most talented youth; his connection to water was among the strongest.   The prodigy quickly gained the influence to have whatever he could want. He lived lavishly and proud due to his immense talent.   However, wherever there has been a strong connection to the sea, Loch, its evil lord, has never been far off. One night, it is said the god's aura reached deep into Rhazien's dreams, using his affinity as a medium. Rhazien's mind was racked with thoughts and temptations he'd never experienced. It tore at him, plucking at his psyche while also beckoning him to give in to the sea's power, and the one who controlled it all. It offered Rhazien a taste at having even more than he already did.   Heart thoroughly swayed by these fantasies, he chose to pursue it.   To prove his loyalty, this voice asked of him one thing: steal the Mehatamalli, the artifact in the heart of Yverno's temple which controlled the waters and streams that flowed in and out of the tribe. Tried as he did as he stole his way into its dungeons, he could not best Zolin and the other shamans, who were shocked to see such treachery come from a man like Rhazien.   Locked away, he was questioned repeatedly on his reasoning, everyone — even the Chief — not wishing to lose one of their most well-regarded tribesman. But, Rhazien's head was filled with deceit and go-arounds; lies that did not get past Zolin or anyone else. The tribe could see Rhazien's corruption in his eyes, and opted to conduct a ritual to exorcise whatever had taken hold. But, unwilling to let go of this promised power, Rhazien escaped through a narrow window and was tracked west for days.   The hunting parties only finally broke off once Rhazien managed to disappear into the streets of Scally Bay. Rhazien never saw his tribe again, and while he isolated himself from anyone else, he wondered what he would do next.   But, then the voice returned. It reassured him. Spoke to him in a gentle whisper, telling him of his next steps. There was a woman, a captain of a ship, filled with like-minded people like Rhazien who sought this power. He was to find her and work alongside her for this common cause. A single image of what she looked like flashed through his mind, and that was all he had to work with as he began looking for her.   The woman's name was Annabelle. However, the crew of her ship called her Captain Hex. Rhazien earned a trusted place beside her through his silver tongue, loyalty to this voice, and power over water magic. He was made a bosun over the crew.   Rhazien believed he finally had the strength to return to Yverno and capture the Mehatamalli, as he was originally shown. But, Hex's visions and priorities were elsewhere, and Rhazien was always told of other more pressing matters. Rhazien's trust quickly soured into a relationship of opportunity. He was to work with her, but she continually pursued other things rather than the direct command Rhazien had received long ago. He thought her to incompetent, and chose to only continue working alongside her while she remained useful — captained a ship and a crew Rhazien could blend in with.   When the day came Hex was finally killed after she bit off more than she could chew, chasing after some noblewoman, though Rhazien was subsequently captured, inside his heart rejoiced. He had the potential for a crew to command himself. He would no longer be shooed away or dismissed as trivial. He could see opportunities opening up even while he was once again locked away, sitting in the brig of his former ship.   The Leviathan only knew the types of deals Rhazien would be willing to make for this chance...   Rhazien's story will continue...

The darkest of voices corrupt even the strongest of men... A sad truth that transcends people of any culture.
~ Chief Zolin ~

Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
1262 AC
Aligned Organization
Ann "Hex" Tawny
Character | Mar 25, 2024

A pirate of the Silver Piece Islands, and a powerful disciple of Loch


Cover image: by Bing AI


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