Gao Qian, the Faithful Arbiter Character in Kustaanos | World Anvil

Gao Qian, the Faithful Arbiter

Dachian Banner

There may be solace in dying by your own actions. But, there is only guilt seeing others take your place.
~ Gao Qian ~

Dachian Banner
  Born to a small farmer's family in 143 AC, Gao Qian was the diligent and sincere Faguan of Changfen, earning the title at a young age after his father, Gao Chu, the previous holder passed on the Bronze Tiger Seal of Changfen just before his death. Gao was a passive, distinguished, and philanthropic figure.  

Faguan of Changfen

Gao Qian was the Faguan of Changfen starting in the year 160 when he was seventeen years old. He earned the title after his father passed it onto him, just before dying of illness, and from the beginning struggled with his responsibilities. Unlike Chu, Qian was indecisive, mishandled money on various occasions, and seldom earned the respect of the people he governed. He found he enjoyed living frivolously and swinging a weapon at anyone who crossed him.  
He was nicknamed Faxie, and lived as so until he was noticed by the reigning Vassal King of the Gao Commandery, Han Shu. He was remonstrated fiercely for his abuse of such a rank and would have been executed, but was spared when his late mother, Gao Nufi, stepped in and requested the punishment fall on her, instead. It did, and her death forever scarred Gao Qian, sobering him of all he had done and filling him with guilt.   From that moment on, he became a timid and compassionate leader who looked out for the people in Changfen, remaining cautious to fall
into such a debauched lifestyle again and get more people killed. The people praised him with respect, and after some time, nicknamed him Fashu.  

Coming Rebellion

In the year 184, Qian's reputation had solidified itself, however the dynasty as a whole been fracturing for a long time due to the inner courts and political strife. Revolts were beginning to rise all across the land, and tried as he did, even he wasn't able to calm the hearts of his own people who were adamant to organize under the Golden Ring Rebellion, led by the Three Brothers. It all seemed lost, and Gao Qian feared the breakdown of Changfen, which he had governed for over two decades.   But, one day as he was kneeling before a Chui Shrine, praying to the gods Sirakya, Shui, and Tilesh, a lightning struck across the sky, and then a gleaming nearby on the ground caught his eye. What he found was of a value so great it frightened him. Somehow, he hoped this was heaven's way of answering his prayer, and saving Changfen.
Gao Qian remains the Faguan of Changfen as the Golden Ring Rebellion gathers its strength and prepares to unleash itself from all over the land, including Qian's region. He strives to reassure and protect his people from this rebellion's coming onslaught.   As for what Qian had found on that fated day, out of better judgement, he has remained quiet about it and kept his find hidden away. Only heaven would know its purpose for Qian.
Dachian Banner

Changfen is neither big nor prestigious, but it is home to many. My family's namesake derives from the very Commandery that rules it. Come what may, Changfen's last breath shall be my own.
~ Gao Qian ~

Dachian Banner
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
143 AC
Aligned Organization
Settlement | May 8, 2024

The humble hamlet of the Gao Commandery (not yet finished)

Guan Dynasty
Organization | May 31, 2024

A land long divided must unite

Cover image: by Midjourney


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