Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Crystal Age | World Anvil


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"Magic is a gift from the Gods. Their crystal hearts provide the world for us, and they also provide for us the means to defend ourselves and make our lives easier! Magic is a gift and not all of us have access to every type of magic. Only by working together can we keep the Upper World in absolute harmony"
- Tanith Oral Tradition

Magic is an ability granted to various Tanith, Aseth, Elaski and Rachni. Humans are unable to use this gift because it is said they nearly destroyed the world with it in the distant past. The ones who can cast magic use it in nearly every aspect of their daily lives. They use it to help their crops grow. They use it to keep themselves warm. They use it to enchant their potions and food. They fight with it as well ((And this being a design document for a game, we're going to be mainly going over the combat spells for now)).

Magical Combat

For a thousand years, the Tanith and Aseth have developed the use of magic in warfare and refined it to a point that everyone who can use a specific type of magic are taught the same spells. While there is some room for creativity, if it works in war chances are that someone already thought of it. With that said, each of the 6 Elemental magics (Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lightning, Earth) and the 4 arcane magics (life, death, nature, Time) have roughly 9 useful combat and utility spells that have been proven for several centuries. The Elemental magics can be combined with each other to form new categories of magic entirely, and those too have also been refined to the point that around 6 or so useful combat and utility spells are known.


Spell Name
Ball of Light
Spell, 1mp
Create a small glowing ball of light. You can keep it in your hand for a longer lasting light or you can have it float and follow you around. Floating lights last 60 seconds.
  • Tier 2 will double the effect and you can create more lights at a time.
  • Tier 3 will quadruple the effect and you can change the size and color of the lights.
  • Tier 4 The light is now bright enough to blind enemies that look at it.
  • Fireball
    Spell, 5mp
    Create a glowing ball of fire, roughly the size of your fist, and hurl it towards a target, dealing light fire damage and possibly setting the target on fire.
  • Tier 2 Fireballs are much larger, being about the size of your head, and twice as hot.
  • Tier 3 Fireballs are as large as your body and will now deal area of effect damage.
  • Tier 4 Fireballs can be charged over time, costing much more magic power, but has the potential to deal much more damage, potentially as much as a Flare spell.
  • Heatwave
    Enchantment, 1mp/sec
    Emanate heat from yourself, heating up the surroundings. Created a sweltering field of heat, unbearable to your opponents. They move slower, healing is less effective and make rash decisions.
  • Tier 2 Your heatwave will now damage enemies over time as long as you maintain the enchantment.
  • Tier 3 Enemies have a small chance of cathing fire when they are inside the heatwave.
  • Tier 4 You can apply multiple heatwaves at a time, and enemies will almost always catch fire.
  • TIER 2
    Flame Thrower
    Spell, 25mp/sec
    Spew forth flames from your hands at a short range, dealing massive damage every second with a large chance of causing the target to catch fire. Has a high MP cost though so it will not last long.
  • Tier 3 MP cost is cut in half and the range is doubled.
  • Tier 4 Enemies always catch fire with this spell and armor is ignored.
  • Breath of Fire
    Spell, 15mp
    Manipulate the inner fire of a living thing. Acts as a dispell, and will burn away both positive and negative status effects from the target.
  • Tier 3 Removes only negative status effects from the body and heals slightly.
  • Tier 4 Will apply Regeneration to the target.
  • Fire Shield
    Enchantment, 3mp/sec
    Create a barrier of fire energy around the target. Reduces the effects of Ice and water magic. Being hit by an earth spell may cause an explosion.
  • Tier 3 Being hit by earth magic will no longer cause an explosion.
  • Tier 4 Fire shield will now completely negate the effects of ice and water magic.
  • TIER 3
    Spell, 100mp
    Manipulate the internal heat of the target, causing them to spontaneously combust and explode with fire energy, dealing massive damage and setting the target on fire as well as damaging surrounding targets.
  • Tier 4 Enemies may be instantly KO'd by the attack, some may turn to ash.
  • Fire Weapon
    Enchantment, 5mp/sec
    Enchant a target's weapon, making it produce flames, and giving it fire damage.
  • Tier 4 enchantment cost is reduced and enemies have a chance to catch fire if they are hit with this enchanted fire weapon.
  • Flame wall
    Enchantment, 10mp/sec
    Create a wall of flames in specific areas damaging enemies that wander inside. Humanoid enemies will be smart enough to go around the flames, but you can use this to your advantage to creat choke points.
  • Tier 4 Flame Walls will also give off a Heatwave effect in a large radius.
  • TIER 4
    Spell, 250mp
    Slowly charge a powerful fire spell over the next ten seconds. You can still move around and fight but your mp is drained and you can't cast magic. When the spell is fully charged, create a massive fireball in the skies above the battlefield and sent it flying into the ground, dealing exceptional fire damag to every target caught in the area. All targets catch fire. This may also turn weaker enemies to ash.
    Spell, 50mp
    The God of Fire sends a firebird to the battlefield. It will follow you around until runs out of hp and will attack enemies in the area. It will follow your commands and you can order it to attack enemies.
  • Tier 1 The phoenix is a small bird, about the size of a raven. It deals very little damage but it will gain the attention of enemies, keeping them from attacking party members.
  • Tier 2 The phoenix is much larger, about the size of a golden eagle. It can take a more active role in combat. When the phoenix dies, it explodes into a fiery storm, damaging nearby enemies.
  • Tier 3 You can order the phoenix to sacrifice itself to revive a fallen party member and restore the entire party's hp. Then it dies with the same effect as Tier 2.
  • Tier 4 if you have the mp, the phoenix will summon itself if your party falls in combat. It will then sacrifice itself to revive and fully restore the party's health while dealing massive damage to surrounding enemies.

  • Water

    Spell Name
    TIER 1
    Create Water
    Spell, 10mp
    Create a an amount of water, equivalent to roughly ten gallons. You can use it to put out fires or cover the field in water. the water lasts as long as it takes for the sun to evaporate it away.
  • Tier 2 Increase the amount of generated water to 100 gallons.
  • Tier 3 Use the water to create muddy or slippery terrain.
  • Tier 4 Covers the entire field in water up to a foot deep. Makes it difficult to move around, but vastly powers up water magic.
  • Waterjet
    Spell, 5mp
    Create a jet of water, with roughly the width of your arm. It hits the target with force great force and water damage, possibly knocking them over.
  • Tier 2 The water jet is much wider, about as wide as your head, and it hits with twice as much force.
  • Tier 3 the water jet is as large as your body and will hit multiple targets. It will also leave water behind, creating slippery or muddy terrain.
  • Tier 4 The water jet can now be charged over time, costing much more magic power, but has the potential to deal much more damage.
  • Cooling rain
    Enchantment, 1mp/sec
    Call a raincloud to cover the battlefield with a gentle rain. Lowers the effectiveness of fire and earth magic but increases the power of water, ice, and lightning magic.
  • Tier 2 The gentle rain turns into a storm, preventing fires and burning status.
  • Tier 3 Fire and earth magic is completely negated unless a heatwave is in effect. Positive status effects last longer.
  • Tier 4 You can call multiple rainstorms to stack the rainfall. Also covers the entire field in water that lasts for as long as the rainstorm does.
    TIER 4
    Spell, 250mp
    Slowly charge a powerful water spell over the next ten seconds. You can still move around and fight but your mp is drained and you can't cast magic. When the spell is fully charged, create a gigantic wall of water that throws itself across the battlefield with terrifying speed, dealing massive damage. Many enemies may be pushed out of battle and be defeated immediately. Remaining enemies may start drowning.
    Spell, 25mp
    The Water God grants you a pair of fishies to protect you on the battlefield. They swim around in the air drawing the attemption of enemies away from you.
  • Tier 1 2 small fish are summoned and they don't do any damage, all they do is draw the attention of enemies.
  • Tier 2 The summoned fish are now three piranha. They rapidly attack the same target, dealing damage repeatedly causing bleeding status effects.
  • Tier 3 The summoned fish is now a single giant shark. It can take a lot of damage from attacks and can also deal a lot of damage in the form of large biting attacks.
  • Tier 4 If you create enough water with the use of magic, lower tiers of Pisces might summon itself for free. There is no limit to the number you can have.

  • Comments

    Author's Notes

  • Only a little is available right now. I am planning to expand in the near future.
  • A lot of the spells between different elements might end up being, for lack of a better word, samey for the sake of game design. I will try to reduce the redundancy though for the sake of worldbuilding and the sake of worldember...

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