Aldea - The Wind Islands Geographic Location in The Crystal Age | World Anvil

Aldea - The Wind Islands

Article Contents

"This has to be the most peaceful archipelago in all of the Upper World. All of the villages work together with their farming and harvests. The Hollow Men from the ruins are almost nonexistent, and there are virtually no sky pirates to speak of."

"I keep being told that the lack of humans is why, but that is definitely a lie! Ever since that kid came to these islands, there was no great war or conflict that engulfed everything. The kid has been nice and polite. He doesn't do anything worth being called a crime. But still the other Tanith hate him. Now that I'm the Wind Sage I hope to change that!"

- Althea, Sage of Wind


High-Chief Thrask

Full name: Andreas Thrask
Age: 47
Height: 2.1 meters
Class: Warrior
Preferred Weapon: Greatclub
Magical affinities: Fire, Wind, Water

Thrask is the leader of the town of Aldea and the Wind Islands as a whole. he was elected to this postion about twenty years ago and has managed to hold on to it ever since. He was able to win the last three elections solely because his daughter Althea is the Wind Sage. Thrask is said by many to be simple mined who only ever has one goal in mind, and that isn't untrue. Thrask has only ever wanted for the Wind Islands to be stable and peaceful, free of the wars that the other nations constantly go through. Under him, Aldea has maintained a stict position of neutrality in the Upper World for the last two decades.


Age: 51
Height: 1.8 meters
Class: Cleric
Preferred Weapon: staff
Magical affinities: Life, Ice, Lightning

Despina is a noblewoman from the Island of Vita. Thrask arranged a marriage with her becuase of her different magical affinities. Thrask and Despina bet on one of the children possibly being the next Wind Sage, and that bet ended up paying off with Althea. Despina is known as a shrewd woman who hates disrespect and uncultured behavior. She especially hates humans and couldn't stand the sight of them. She thought she would never have to see one again in Aldea and it was one of the reasons she agreed to come here, but with the arrival of one human, she was definitely wrong in that regard.

Thrask and Despina's children


Age: 24
Height: 1.8 meters
Class: Sage
Preferred Weapon: Staff
Affinities: All except time

Althea is the oldest daugher of Thrask and Despina. Althea was originally though to be the worst possible candidate for beign a sage, but then her magic awakened and she was chosen by the Crystal Guardians to be the next Wind Sage. Her protection and position as the Wind Sage is the only reason the human is allowed on the island at all.


Age: 22
Height: 1.9 meters
Class: Rogue
Preferred Weapon: daggers
Affinities: Lightning, Wind, Water

Second oldest daughter of Thrask and Despina. Anemone always dreamed of having her own airship to fly across the skies with. She got her wish when she was 19. An old merchant was looking to retire and get rid of his old ship. Iris took it and fixed it up. Her ship is named Borealis and she uses it to run a delivery service between the various islands.


Age: 19
Height: 1.8 meters
Class: Chemist
Preferred Weapon: Staff
Affinities: water, fire, lightning, wind

Second youngest daughter of Thrask and Despina. Thera had an interest in potion making growing up. She is quite good at what she does, though half the potions she makes are to pick on the human. She recently was chosen to be an apprentice to the legendary chemist Agatha of Atlantis, and she is preparing to head there is a few weeks.


Age: 17
Height: 1.6 meters
Class: -none-
Preferred Weapon: longsword
Affinities: -none-

Youngest daughter of Thrask and Despina. Iris's magic was supposed to awaken by the time she turned 10 years old, but at 17, she still can't cast any. This puts her just above a human in Tanith society and she is looked down on. Iris and the human have been in somewhat of a relationship over the last few years, sharing their distaste in the magical society.


Age: 163
Height: 2.4 meters
Class: Barbarian
Preferred Weapon: His own fists
Magical affinities: Fire, Death, Lightning

technically retired, Sethir is an old Aseth and has taken part in dozens of wars from across the Upper World. He is a master of several martial arts. His vicious attacks combined with his thick scaly armor ensures that he is one of the hardest people in Aldea to defeat and kill. He came to this town hoping to relax for a while and not fight so much. Despite this, he is a member of Aldea's militia and regularly stands guard at the watchtower at the edge fo town. It's quiet there. Sethir also has a wife and 37 children, though his children are all grown.

Mark (The human)

Age: 17
Height: 1.7 meters
Class: Fighter
Preferred Weapon: Longsword, Rifle
Magical affinities: -None-

When Mark was found when he was 7 years old, he had fallen out of an airship with his mother. His mother took the force of the fall as they fell through the trees. Mark hit his head and doesn't remember much of what happened. He didn't even remember his own name. He is called Mark because he was found with a set of dog tags with the name Marcus on it. Mark is looked down on in Aldea by pretty much all Tanith and Aseth. the only reason he hasn't been killed yet on an island nation with no other humans is because Althea the Wind Sage demanded it.

Notable locations within the Wind Islands

The Town of Aldea

The largest town in the islands at around 2500 people and the capital of the Wind Islands. It is a simple town, and is quite small in comparison to the other great cities of the Upper World like Maridia, Arurora and Atlantis. All of the buildings except the watchtower are single story buildings made of wood and bricks. Most of the shops in the islands are located here. This is also the only town in the Wind Islands that have airship docks. Ships from across the Upper World come here to offload supplies and take on goods to bring to other nations.

The Ruins of Sal Lorrath

These ruins are dominated by a gigantic concrete and steel arch that still stands even long after the Middle world was flattened by the gods. There are also several large buildings here as well. Under the arch is an armory, containing a history of humanity as well as a good many ancient weapons and gadgets. The problem with getting inside the ruins are the husks that inhabit it. These beings are humans that had their souls ripped out of them during the last judgement of the gods. They are transformed into monsters and are very difficult to kill. Mark has been trying to years to get into the ruins, but is always turned away when the husks realize he is there and they start attacking him. Recently Mark's combat skills have been greatly improving and he is planning to get in there once again.


Ardial are ruins of a human colosseum. There is a diamond shaped mound of dirt in the center, surrounded by grassy fields. the stands have thousands and thouands of chairs. It must have been quite the sight long ago, seeing humans by the tens of thousands cheering on as two teams from opposing cities beat each other with wooden clubs and threw weighted balls at each other in an epic form of ancient combat. Thanks to the high elevation of the island containing these ruins, they are still almost perfectly preserved, at least by comparison to other ruins in the Wind Islands. There is no reason to ever visit this place though because the stands were full when the gods passed judgement and nearly all of them are monstrous empty husks, ready to attack any kill any living thing that so much as wanders near the place.

The Temple of Wind

The Temple of Wind is located inside of a gigantic step pyramid on an island in the center of a never ending wind storm. Pilgrims hoping to visit the temple must pass through a specific passageway. Only there it is safe, otherwise, they will be ripped apart by the tearing winds of the storm. It is possible to get through the storm in other very specific spots, where the positioning of the islands block the winds, but it requires precise timing. Even though there hasn't been a wind sage at the temple for almost ten years now (due to Althea's training in other locations), the storm ensures the crystal heart of the God of Wind is protected.


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