Thorlock Ulfgar Character in Krynn | World Anvil

Thorlock Ulfgar

Thorlock’s description:   Leader of the fallen Clan Ulfgar, he is in a constant search for his missing family and for the dwarf who kill his clan. Currently a Red Robe Druid of the werewolf.    Surprisingly young looking for his age, Thorlock is a dwarf of conviction. Standing at 4 foot 4, a long red beard falls to his chest, and equally red hair to his back if not tucked in his helm. A large scar presents itself from the top of his right eye to the bottom of his right cheek. This scar was earned the day of the attack on his village. the only other scar that can be visible at times is when he sits at the bar, alone wondering if he could have done better to save his clan. where he lacks in Battle Scars he does not lack in labor, being very involved in building making and woodwork calluses present themselves on his hands, and dark circles sit under his eyes from long nights hard at work. He will never leave a job unfinished, and something he holds more dear than anything at any time is his family.   He'll never be seen without his staff, he holds it dear to him as Varis Nailo, his teacher from The Druids, helped him Forge it. mostly calm and collected at times Thorlock will almost always think of sound mind. However there will be times that his inner Dwarf will rush through him, and he may call back the time of a fearless clan leader. And when Traveling, he will always be looking for ingredients to bury himself in potion brewing.
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