Divine Masks Item in Kroy'wen | World Anvil
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Divine Masks

Cursed Prayer Masks created by Dracula in order to siphon the powers and abilities of fallen gods. Divine Masks are usually created from the Prayer Mask dedicated to the god that they are intended to absorb the powers of (i.e. the Divine Mask of Hermes is taken from a model of a Prayer Mask of Hermes). When a god is slain- usually only possible by the hand of another god or one equally as powerful as them- a Divine Mask may be placed upon their face to absorb their powers into the mask. When wearing an empowered Divine Mask, one gains the basic abilities of the gods, as well as the power and ability to grant blessings, curses, permissions, and forbidances as that god would- including for the ability to allow mortals and others to enter into that god’s Hidden Realm dedicated to their pantheon.

Divine Masks are a vital part of Dracula’s plans to overthrow the gods and reign supreme, as he hopes to acquire as many of their powers as possible in order to play any and all sides of the conflict he’s brewing between all of the pantheons of the gods. Killing Hermes and performing the ritual to create his Divine Mask was the first of many to come, and acted as a sort of trial run for the upcoming massacre of the gods he has in mind. Ultimately, his hope is to slay Apollo and other deities of the sun in order to steal their powers, ultimately hoping to block out the sun freely as he pleases to cast an eternal night over the world.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When donned onto the face of a slain god, the vampiric curse of the mask drains their powers into its form to be used by the future wearer as if they were the god themselves.
Item type
Subtype / Model
One of a kind each


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