Ammius Yinfir Character in Kreworis | World Anvil
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Ammius Yinfir

Ammius Yinfir was a half elf and at the peak of his career was an economical advisior to the grand emperor, back in the earliest days of the nefadric empire. His expertiese was mostly concering agriculture and land development. His primary duties in the high court of the grand emperor was to see the empire prosper and ensure that the empire rolled in sufficent harvests despite the unfavorable conditions the empire found itself in in the earliest days.   Ammius Yinfir was benevolent to the pesants and farmers of the early nefadric empire and was well loved by them in return. He is perhaps most known for his disaster relief systems, that he created to ease the suffering of the commoners, which simultainously increased the productivity of the empire and ensured that future harvests could be made. Another duty of his was to improve the agricultural capabitites of the empire. Many irrigation networks, terrace farms and ranches were commisioned by Ammius Yinfir. Because of his work the nefadric empire could sustain it's rapidly growing population by satiating thier rapidly growing food demand, through excellent management skills, dilligent planing and incredible foresight of Ammius Yinfir.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ammius has formulated the earliest disaster relief systems of the nefadric empire. With his system, when disaster strikes, it is incumbent upon the ruler to soothe the pains of the people. And since its earliest days, the nefadric empire has provided aid to those affected by disasters like locusts, floods, earthquakes or epidemics. The empire showed its compassion most often by lessening or removing land taxes and tithes and opening granaries to provide direct relief. Ammius saw disaster is a divine sign of displeasure with the emperor; by aiding the stricken people, he thought that celestial favour can be regained.


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