Whistlers Item in Kras'na | World Anvil
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The history of the Dwarves is that of the hammer and the shield, resilience and retribution. On countless occasions the Dwarves have proven themselves to be master innovators, crafting tools and traps in order to challenge the evil that awaits them, defiant in the face of terror. None more so than the Children of Thordin, who have devised some of the most devastating tools in order to defend their mountain homes. Perhaps it is an attempt to redeem themselves from their former disgrace, and the hanging shame of the coward.   The Whistler is one of the greatest tools that has been crafted by the Dwarves in the recent ages. Created in the aftermath of the Pig-Orc invasion, the Whistler was the prized invention of Uljas, last known member of Clan Wrathshield. His clan suffered the heavy losses against the throng of beasts, and the fleeing members were picked off by Wolf Riders. The Whistlers are vengeance manifested against rangers and cavalry, purposefully designed to target beasts and bring chaos upon their masters, leaving them weakened and turned on by their own.   The Whistlers are small mechanical spheres of varied designs. Acting similarly to a dog whistle, when the cord is pulled, the balls release a high pitched noise, designed only to be heard by designated beasts. Varied in size and inner working for different species, the Whistlers are commonly used for two purposes. The first, and most common is to throw animals into a frenzied state, horses casting off their riders, as hounds turn upon their unsuspecting handlers due to the high pitched frequency of the screeching sound. The second is a whistle, attracting the targets to better areas, allowing for ambushes and other traps to be used more efficiently. Although the Wrathshield clan has been lost, their legacy lives on.
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