Bryns Geographic Location in Kras'na | World Anvil
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"Three trees moved in one accord, weaving into each other, circling over and over again. As the setting sun fell to the middle of the circle, a door was opened to the home of the Fey."
  The southernmost parts of Maksna is called the territory of Bryns, a forest of embers. The biome of this land is diverse, holding feytouched woodlands, filled with ancient trees and strange half-creatures. Flatlands surround these forests, where the vegetation is scarse and the taste of blood and steel hangs heavy in the air. Great powers vie for power in a constant struggle for control of these lands. The goals of these powers are as diverse as the lands. There is no forseeable reconciliation, nor peace to be found within the war ravaged territiores. Not until the Old God is dealt with, and oaths of vengeance fulfilled.   Makeshift outposts and fortresses in ruin cover the land, primarily used as landmarks for those that attempt to traverse these lands. Bodies are often left to rot, summoning swarms of flies, maggots, and scavenger beasts to infest many areas. In the darkest corners monstrous creatures and sentient fungi have made their homes, causing a momentary distraction from the ceaseless wars plague the land. The sound of warmachines is constant, no matter where you go, or how deep into the group you explore.   Bryns is divided into three main territories, though it has small coastle isle under its control. These islands are the home to Necromancer Ambassadors, sent to make treaties with the Lizardfolk. While they don't play a large role in the conquest for the land, they are funded in order to focus on one of the sciences. Some Necromancers are heavily invested in trying to breed larger and more obediant lizardfolk, mixing their genepool with that of the monstrous beasts nearby. Strains of Lizard-Goat creatures have been seen in the mainland, thier unnatural bleeting haunting the woodlands. Others focus more on the undeath, some looking for a way to make far greater numbers of undead, and others desiring a greater quality undead. While these Necromancers are required to send resources to help the war effort, those that dedicate themselves to the mainland conflict are seen as invaluable allies.   Across the southern shores are the heavily defended towns made by the Questing Knights. New Zansburg is the largest of these towns built, guarded by mutliple layers of wooden walls, covered in the fire resistant material found in the nearby isles. With every defensive battle won, makeshift walls and gates are built, slowly swallowing the land. To further the war effort, small villages have been erected outside these walls, crops grown hastily through magical means incase the shipments from the motherland don't arrive on time. The people who follow the Knights are hearty, with a seemingly unbreakable will.   Nature itself obeys the command of the Elfin Kings, who seek to reclaim what is rightfully their; the land and the Elves that mistakenly chose to live amongst the mortals. With no warning the trees begin to shift and intertwine, roots to branches forming the ancient braids. With a word the gateway to the Feywild opens, bringing new waves of Elfin Hounds and Elfin Hunters into the mortal lands. Rangers have been known to make a fortune, using their knowledge of nature to locate these portals before they have a chance to open.   Surrounded by these powerful enemies lies the land still fully controlled by Borya. Makeshift walls keep his people in, surrouned by baracades and deep, spike filled pits carefully hidden. The terror of the Pig Orcs, and the Goblins forced to their service has been well studied, and perfected by the Prince. Borya wages a war of terror against every interloper that would dare threaten his land.
Alternative Name(s)
The War-Torn Lands of Bryns
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