Kósmos The Mad Queen's Reign
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The Mad Queen's Reign

Civil action

The Reign of the blood court

Elizabeth Yharnam, more well known as the the Lady of Blood was known for her cruel reign. Yet one that was brought low by a trusted ally.

Elizabeth sat as queen merely a few years after birth. Her father and mother killed by a ruthess band of nonhumans as they held a parade through the town of Yharnam (a once great kingdom within Bruxendarc) leaving her alone at the grand seat, protected by her servants. As she grew, she found joy in the harm of others, it was through her sadism that she began to pass laws to enslave non human races as revenge for her parents. But it quickly lept from goal to obsession. She made a name for herself as a ruthless killer who would torture her slaves as entertainment. She married Henrik Zarbosa, and brought nations to her heel. Her military power was unparalleled and soon she took over all of Bruxendarc. With the Continent under her grasp she had the power to bargain with powers of other planes, an audience they could all but ignore. But out of her sight, a rebellion was being planned. Being led by her husband, Henrik helped coordinate with many leaders of villages and the like until he gained his chance at Elizabeth... Killing her and ending her reign.

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