Kósmos The Twilight War
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The Twilight War

Military action

The Celestial War

The Twilight War brought along destructive monsters dubbed Vilebloods, ravenous and bloodthirsty. They brought down villages and cities alike, destroying lives in the process. It was this war that eventually brought on the Era of Madness.

The war commonly referred to as the Twilight War by the common folk was dubbed so after as it ended. It began to spill into the public eye on the 3rd of Blodnagh in 1708, as effects pertaining to a phenomenon dubbed The Madness began to erupt around this time, tossing Vrellez into complete chaos. That being said the effects of The Madness had been showing for decades before. When the landlocked war against the forces of The Madness began to prove undeniable, the war was made public, which quickly added to the distress felt palpably throughout the country. Although given the name The Madness in the larger cities and within educated circles, the less wealthy- who had been struggling with the phenomenon for said decades prior, had their own local terminology for the same events, causing blind spots in much of the country's defense, and aiding in the country's ruin. Once it was wrought however, the end of the Twilight war was marked by the beginning of the Age of Shadow. The skies above were coated in dark grey clouds, and both the sun and moon seemed to disappear. In addition, a final event occurred that marked the end of the Twilight war. A crater erupted in the center of Vrellez. This crater is enormous, stretching for miles upon miles, and reaching into the depths of the land. From this day forth, monsters infest every corner of the Material Plane, taking form as unknowable disturbing abominations or as thoughts and ideas that slither into the minds of people.

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History of Vrellez (article)