Kósmos Twilight Skies
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Twilight Skies

Geological / environmental event

15/5 12:00

The skies greyed over the material plane, darkening its lands as the Madness bared its fangs for all to see. It was soon after that the few and far between sightings of eldritch horrors of immense presence were seen.

Marking the beginning of the Age of Shadow. The skies above were coated in dark grey clouds, and both the sun and moon seemed to disappear. In addition, a final event occurred that marked the end of the Twilight war. A crater erupted in the center of Vrellez. This crater is enormous, stretching for miles upon miles, and reaching into the depths of the land. From this day forth, monsters infest every corner of the Material Plane, taking form as unknowable disturbing abominations or as thoughts and ideas that slither into the minds of people.

Related timelines & articles
History of Vrellez (article)