The large temple of Lord Baelon Building / Landmark in Korun | World Anvil
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The large temple of Lord Baelon

Build in His Holy Year 2005

Right in the center of Luania this temple is one of the largest building in the history of mankind.

Purpose / Function

The front side is the religious side while the back side is a very complex hospital and infirmary. The top and lower levels are the city's botanical gardens and greenhouse respectively. A large part of the city's food supply originates there while the temple is open to everyone for both medicine or spiritual guidance. The clergy men have their own quarters facing the inner closed yard.
The temple also has the fanctionality of a political asylum. It is off-reach for the military and any one can request sanctuary by making a call to Lord Baelons principles. The established call is as:
In the name of Lord Baelon the peace keeper, i ask for passage and mercy. Under His carefull look i kneel and leave all that prought me here beside me.
.   However in more extreme occations that plendge has had is fair share of variations.


It was build before even the city existed. Initially it was designed to become the center-point of all things religious. The fountain that existed in front of the initial chapel eventualy was turned into a celebrated landmark and the pureness of the water was tied with the holines of the place. After the founding of luania the valley around it turned to a dessert because of the droughts and all the religious buildings like monasteries , libraries, infirmaries build around it turned to ruins. After the drought the safety and comfort the temple offered to refuges caused the hole city to grow around it.


  • The head of Lord Baelons clergy Father Zelon is responsible for the mast as well as the celebration of public holidays and the general spiritual character of the order. He also provides cuncel to politician of the City and has a high nfluence on the ublics opinion.
  • Close to Father Zealon but much less known, his nephew Caius has been in charge for more practical matters since he was 20. He can be found at the office near the main altar at almost anytime.
  • Ambasador Culbrun enjoys visiting the temple and spending some nights there after returning from her trips. She also makes sure that she is well acointed with the members of the Cergy that hold important possitions.
  • Father Ioanas although oftenly away is a figure that stands out when he is around
Alternative Names
Holy Infirmary
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Connected Rooms
Owning Organization

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