Caius Character in Korun | World Anvil
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Nephew of Father Zelon . Has been in charge of administrative duties in the Large Temple of Lord Baelon in Luania for 15 years. He has a great deal of experience and talent over such matters. He is very humble and never has asked for anything that he didn't need. However his claculating mind has been noticed by other figures in proximity to the temple such as Ambasador Culbrun. He has on purpusly helf himself withought a last name as he considers himself only part of the family of Lord Baelon.   He duties are:
  • Keeping the Temple Stocked with food, incence and other utilities
  • Collecting the money of benefactors and believers
  • distrubuting the money for restocking, repairs and for the people in need
  • organising the temples charity events (but not being present)
  • keeping tabs on the Clergy members
Year of Birth
6008 AGD 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Son of the sister of Father Zealon . She died durrig his birth.

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