Korrisia The Battle of Alvendar
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The Battle of Alvendar

Era beginning/end


With Imrys' power unchallenged, he sought to drain the power of the Nexus, a central point of power that protected Korrisia from all external threats. Without the Nexus, Korrisia would quickly fall into despair as all manner of evil assaults the Prime Material Plane. The Glade Guardians, with assistance from Arcania, Archmage Balthasar Lupindrian, and Everqueen Ilynara, made a final assault on the Silver Tower to face down their nemesis.

Imrys launched an assault on the Silver Empire of Alithanar like none the world had ever seen. Imrys attacked and burned Daromin, killed countless numbers of its citizens only to raise them again as his minions. He traveled to Calemdar and burned its capitol city, immediately taking it out of the fight, and enslaving its citizens as well. On his final push, he had an army numbering in well over 1 million, and flooded across the defenses of the Elven Empire. The High Elves were pushed back to the far North, and had zero hope of making any sort of counter-attack.   The Glade Guardians were able to strategically teleport into the Silver Tower, and await Imrys to finally face him. After one failed attempt to trap him in a Demiplane and slay him, Imrys was ready for his foes. Utilizing his chief general and fallen Glade Guardian Mysrielle, they rained fire on the Silver Tower, shattering it to the point that Imrys could access the raw power of the Winds of Magic, to drain its power and become godlike. During his ritual, the Glade Guardians attacked in force. Several members were heavily wounded, and killed. With Imrys' attack on the Nexus, the walls of magic protecting the Prime Material fell, and the Betrayer Gods struck, hoping to finally gain vengeance against their archenemies, the Prime Deities. With the Deities coming to their defense, the goddesses Mintie and Ioun were able to save the Guardians from some of Imrys' most powerful attacks.   After a vicious and destructive battle, Imrys fell to the Guardians. The fight had not ended, as Vecna attacked, also seeking to take advantage of the Nexus' power. In a trifecta of doom, the Emissary of Tzeeneth, Tulak'Drakal had also entered the fray, creating a three-way battle for the fate of Korrisia. With the Emissary banished, and Vecna heavily wounded, he struck down his nemesis and took his sword, and fled.   The Guardians may not have defeated all foes, but they saved Korrisia and forever cemented themselves into history. Some retired from the life of a hero, others ascended to serve their deities. Roma Quisalor returned to Daromin to assist in its reconstruction, and the new Republic of Quisalor's namesake gives all homage to her. Azure left the Material Plane to serve her deity, Mask. The Monk became Grandmaster of his Order, and continued to serve and protect the weak.   It was after the Battle of Alvendar, and the return of heroes, that the Age of Heroes truly began. All across Korrisia, people were standing up against evil and starting their own tales of heroism, all followed in the path of the Glade Guardians.

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