Korrisia Darominian Civil War
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Darominian Civil War

Diplomatic action


When diplomacy had all but failed, and the Southern Leaders demanded equal treatment and support from the Darominians to the North, Queen Eleanor Daromin attempted to arrest all members. The leaders fought back, and with the assistance of the Glade Guardians, were able to escape.

Duchess Lyanna Ashglade, Andreu Walkelin, and Count Galien, traveled along with Grand Duke Kuttuvan at the request of Queen Daromin at the capitol city. The Queen had heard the concerns and pleas for help from the Southern Leaders, after a rash of barbarian and raider attacks that left the largest port-city in the South obliterated. Upon meeting with the Southern Leaders, Kuttuvan spoke for the group and dismissed the concerns. Duchess Ashglade confronted Kuttuvan in front of Queen Daromin, who sided with her Grand Duke and declared that the Southern Leaders were taking treasonous action, and attempted to arrest them.   The Glade Guardians, in attendance as the personal guards to the Southern Leaders jumped to their defense when Queen Daromin called for their deaths. Through their defense, Grand Duke Kuttuvan was murdered in cold blood as he attempted to flee. The Glade Guardians were able to get the Southern Leaders out of the city, but it was in that moment that the South was in open rebellion.   With forces that made up barely 1/3 of the Darominian Legions, the Southerners realized they had to seek support, and win through trickery. The Glade Guardians sought a weapon of mythical power to anoint a leader of the South, to give them legitimacy. Through a failed attempt to gain Kingsrise, the Glade Guardians traveled to Mount Celestia, and were able to pass the trials and gain possession of Solarion, the Spear of the Sun, which was used to crown Queen Lyanna Ashglade, First of her name. The Ashglade dynasty would become one of the most powerful forces in Korrisia, and heavily influence world affairs.

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