Vilden Meikhar Character in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Vilden Meikhar

Defender of Korrisia; Lion of the North; Aegis of Mortals

Vilden Meikhar is the former Lord Chancellor of Calemdar. Meikhar has overseen a large amount of the construction efforts in building New Calemdar. The process of building a brand new capitol city has left the Republic quite low on funds, which means that its efforts to help enforce peace throughout Korrisia has been interrupted, and Calemdar dispatches advisors, diplomats, and even members of its own Council to assist in keeping the peace.   Meikhar is a noble and generous man, he cares quite passionately for the people of Calemdar, and hopes to do his predecessors proud by continuing the line of noble Lord Chancellors. Meikhar claimes to be a long-distant descendant of Andrius Lildor, and hopes to continue his legacy onward.

Personality Characteristics


To see Calemdar flourish and the world be eternally protected.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Diplomatically savvy Shrewd in all politics Accomplished swordsman
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
3598 DB 86 Years old
Bright ice blue, wide, always seems interested (or surprised)
Long black hair in a half-ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darker skin (Earth-like to Middle-Eastern)
201 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We are all but mortals, we have such little time on this plane. We should spend it caring and loving one another, so that our children can grow old in a beautiful land."


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