Nerevar Indoril Character in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Nerevar Indoril

(a.k.a. The Ghostslayer of Keoland; Champion of House Nirinath)

Nerevar Indoril is a Drow Bloodhunter who serves the Order of Ghostslayers, and is a current member of The Grubs adventuring party. He currently lives in Trollskull Manor, in Waterdeep. Nerevar is a skilled expert at his craft, and is a dreaded enemy on the battlefield. His history is filled with glory and suffering, and through this he seeks to change the view of how all see the Drow, and to bring goodness wherever he travels, destroying all evil who dare to harm innocents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nerevar Indoril was born to house Nirinath, a minor house in Drow Politics. Nerevar was born to a couple who was told time and time again by the Priestesses of Lolth that they would never bear a child. In secret, Nerevar's Father, Lesantar, prayed to the Goddess Eilistraee, the Drow Goddess of Goodness (and a banned goddess of the pantheon) for her blessing. When Nerevar was born, the Priestesses of Lolth cursed the child, for when they entered his bedchamber, all spiders hissed and fled from the young infant. The Matriarch of House Nirinath, Soleyana Nirinath, intervened and halted the Priestesses from sacrificing the child to Lolth, and instead had Nerevar's parents take the child's place.   Nerevar was never told his family's history, and served his Matriarch faithfully. He was her finest warrior, her deadliest assassin, and her wisest confidant. Soleyana was a powerful and widely-feared practitioner of magic, and could manipulate the Winds of Magic with ease. She taught some of her skills to Nerevar, but was always sure he never learned too much.   Nerevar's life would forever change when Soleyana gave him the task of venturing out, but also up. Nerevar was tasked with entering an ancient library and stealing its secret and forbidden knowledge. Soleyana assured Nerevar that the old Librarian had been long dead, and would not pose a threat. The Drow agent broke through the Library's fortifications, dodged the remaining traps, and destroyed any guardians that were left. Most of the library was sacked and destroyed, but Nerevar's objective was intact. It was a book, in a language he had never seen before. Before he could even try to understand its contents, Soleyana appeared before him, and gave him the next part of his quest. Nerevar attacked a site that was home to agents of the Order of the Grey, an ancient order of wizards that protect dangerous knowledge, and stole an immaculately made gemstone, encrusted with platinum.   Upon returning to Soleyana with his final objective, she tasked him to brew her a potion, and feed it to her as she cast a mysterious and dark ritual. When she drank, the Matriarch collapsed. Nerevar feared the worst, that she had asked him to poison her. His nightmares came true when her life essence, her soul, exited her body and entered the gemstone. Soleyana's body lifted into the air and back onto its feet, and she thanked Nerevar for his service, and offered him two things, immortality, and her hand in marriage. Nerevar knelt before his Matriarch and accepted.   The night before he would be wed to his Matriarch, achieving power and glory that he never dreamed to achieve, a vision appeared to him, of a child being ripped out of the hands of two lowly Drow. He watched as they burned in purple flames, the Priestesses chanting and screaming to their Goddess, and a woman, watching and smirking while caressing a baby boy. Nerevar awoke in a sweat, and understood the message he was given. That night, he cut the throat of his Matriarch and future wife, and burned her body. To his dismay, she returned within days, and snapped her fingers, all he remembered was the cold embrace of death enveloping him.   Unsure how or why, he awoke some time later on the shores of Keoland, found by a patrolling party of adventurers. They nursed him back to health, and he joined with them. They had called themselves Ghostslayers, and he learned their craft. Nerevar spent over a decade with the Ghostslayers, and earned a small name for himself as a renowned hunter of occult creatures. He had made a cozy life for himself, unaware that his life would once again change drastically when he came across a small band of adventurers seeking to rid a small port town of a haunting problem.

Personality Characteristics


Rid the world of evil.   Destroy House Nirinath and the Matriarch of the House, Soleyana Nirinath, for betraying him and murdering his family.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Skilled with a blade, and understanding the occult.

Likes & Dislikes


Honor, Loyalty, Bravery against Odds, Dice Games, Chocolate  


Greed, Evil, Murder for personal gain, House Nirinath, Lolth, the Grubs


Contacts & Relations


The Grubs   Order of Ghostslayers   Waterdeep City Watch  


House Nirinath

Family Ties

Mother & Father - Deceased (Sacrificed to Lolth)

Religious Views

Despises the Drow Pantheon, especially Lolth   Curious about Eilistraee (Drow Goddess of Good)

A strong and noble Drow who seeks to defeat supernatural and evil forces in the world, showing that even one as hated as a Drow can make the world a better place.

Current Location
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Neutral Good
Year of Birth
307 DB 3377 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The only son born to a minor sect of a Drow House to a mother and father told they could never produce children
House Nirinath - Underdark
Current Residence
Trollskull Manor - Waterdeep
Crystaline Blue (unusual for Drow)
Long and Pale White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That's problematic..."


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