Bel Shalor Character in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Bel Shalor

The Shadow in the Flame

Bel Shalor, also called the Shadow in the Flame is an Underlord of Kormund, who represents his power of corruption and shadow. The first Underlord to face the gods of Korrisia, Bel Shalor is a vicious and deadly opponent, who can turn the greatest friends into enemies and corrupt even the most devout. The Shadow in Flame was nearly able to corrupt the Prime Deity Pelor, and tempt him into the darkness before Serenrae could save him. Bel Shalor's strength is proportionate to (or at the very least, dependent on) the amount of strife, treason, and betrayal in the world.   Bel Shalor was the first Underlord to be bound in the Ritual, the Binding of The Silver Flame, and to this day is trapped under the home of the Cenarion Circle of Druids. The natural power of the area is enough to blot out most of Bel Shalor's influence. With the coming of the Empire, Bel Shalor has slowly been able to leak his essence between the cracks of his prison, slowly twisting and corrupting the Cenarion Woods.   The Shadow in the Flame's primary goal, should he ever be free, is to seek revenge on those who were able to bind him. Those who created and follow the Silver Flame must be destroyed or broken and turned.

Divine Domains

Strife   Corruption   Betrayal   Evil
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Year of Birth
9000 RB 12684 Years old
Raging blue orbs of fire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A bright or dark blue flame
Anywhere from 10' to 30'


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