Ædthænny Ceymeyth Organization in Kornax | World Anvil

Ædthænny Ceymeyth


Ædthænny Ceymeyth was founded in the tenth century before the Fall of Dragons. It was very active in the Dragonwars and in the Giantbane War. Two of its rulers, Ryghy Ceym and Înæm Æbvughryshi Ceym were slain in combat during those conflicts.

There have been two dynasties to rule the Ceymeyth. Eyd̬ Ceym, who founded the realm, also founded the Taytufictum Dynasty. It failed when her four-times great grandson, Ryshos Ceym the Inept, was deposed and imprisoned by the general populace in 821 LE. He was replaced by a different descendant of Eyd̬'s, Cræ Runænorî, who founded the Runænorî Dynasty, which rules to this day through his daughter Mûbvæ Ceym.

The Silver Leaves Unfallen

Founding Date
921 AscD
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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