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Adventure Log

2 January, 2021

The group advanced through the crypt and  

22 December, 2020

The adventurers traveled through the lair, encountering hordes of zombies. Yahn distracted the horde while Aaron cast Blistering Invective, which burned all the zombies in short order. Aaron decided to investigate portions of the crypt on his own, and then discovered a large "4" that appeared on the wall behind a large gathering of Orcs. The room also included a sword which appeared to be stuck to a rock. Upon further exploration, the group also discovered two shrines, and an inscription with the writing:
  "Upon this hill
the traitor died,
sword in hand,
blood in eyes.

Wreathed in bone,
the traitor cried,
'Kill the King,
leave none alive!'

Thirteen souls
with him he took,
breaker of swords,
their souls he shook.

Here he rests,
folly of mind,
return the sword,
and pass in kind."

  Session XP: Enough to reach lvl 5  

18 December, 2020

Continuing through the witch's lair, the group was met with a blob of grey ooze, which was quickly defeated by Lucian's Create Pit spell. Moving past that encounter, the group encountered a riddle set up by the Witch of Litwell to safeguard her room. It read:

"One sentence uttered, you may contrive.
If truth you speak, then you shall drown.
If falsehoods I hear, you'll burn alive."

As the rest of the adventuring party remained stumped, Aaron uttered "This sentence is false." The door, sensing the literary paradox, opened and revealed the witch. She quickly cast Fireball on the group, but was overrun and Ana stabbed her through the face. After looking through the witch's remains, there was a distinct lack of Magic Carrots. This caused them to look even further, and discovered a hidden shaft with lots of loot, a few notes, and loot. There was a note from the witch referencing a necromancer, and a note mentioning a caravan headed to Dusross filled with new recruits for the Paladin Posse.   The group made their way back to the Moonlight Tavern and collected their reward. However, the gravekeeper seemed concerned, and said that his gravesites were still being disturbed, despite the witch being dead. Combined with the mention of the necromancer on the witch's note, they deduced that it must mean the necromancer is responsible for the grave disturbances. They inquired with the mayor of Litwell about the necromancer, and he offered 15 Platinum per person as reward. The group rejoined the gravekeeper, they investigated the disturbed gravesites. The evidence pointed towards necromantic power that surrounded the gravesite of an orc warrior, and they followed the tracks to what appeared to be the necromancer's crypt.   Session XP: 917 / Player  

11 December, 2020

As the adventurers were leaving ToshoCon, they were informed that they should stop by Glassport to inquire further about where to find the ingredients. They left Perrywinkle Cobblepot's tent and headed down the central path of ToshoCon. Upon reaching the main road to Wolrost, the adventurers were greeted by a strange figure that seemed quite nervous, maybe even lost. He introduced himself as Yahn, a member of the Paladin Posse. He asked to join the group, as he didn't know his way home. With the new member in tow, they decided to head towards Glassport.   Upon arrival, they stopped at the Glassport Inn and inquired about shipments of vegetables and other assorted foods. The innkeeper wasn't quite sure if she knew about the exact ingredients they wanted, but she pointed them towards the dock workers that might know. After thanking her and paying for rooms, the group decided to split up. Aaron Urn went to practice his flute playing, Lucian went to practice summoning, and Ana wanted to sleep.   However, Yahn decided that he wanted to help, and ran to as many shop keepers as he could. The first shopkeeper he encountered was a gnome, who was quite confused by the inquiry about a "Golden Carrot". He tried his best, but couldn't give Yahn any useful information. Frustrated, Yahn ran to the dock workers that the gnome pointed out who might be able to help him. They were able to give information about the Snowtar Mushrooms, saying that they had to be used quickly or they would wither. Again, Yahn's questions about "Golden Carrots" went unanswered. He went to sleep with little information gained.   After waking, the adventurers went to the innkeeper for breakfast, which was a pancake and egg special for one copper. Thrilled at the chance for a good meal, they all ate their fill. Satisfied with his meal, Aaron turned to Yahn and asked what he had learned the night before. Yahn exitedly recounted the questions he asked of the locals the previous night, and Aaron noticed that Yahn had been asking about "Golden Carrots" instead of "Magic Carrots". Realizing the mistake, Aaron had Yahn guide him to the workers that he had confused the night before. After the clarification, the worker informed Aaron that Magic Carrots were grown exclusively underground by witches, and for further questions he should ask Henry, who usually sat by the fireplace in the Glassport Inn.   Moving back inside, Aaron found Henry by the fireplace and excitedly asked questions about the Magic Carrots. Henry obliged his curiosity and explained that he had recently come back from Litwell, which had started having murmers of a local witch. He explained that Litwell has a storied history with witches, and this isn't out of the ordinary. Lucian sent a raven to the magisters at Frostpeak, and soon enough their reply confirmed this information. Henry explained that he had stayed at the Moonlight Tavern off the main road to Litwell, and they should head there for more information.   The adventurers set off on Lucian's summoned horses towards the Moonlight Tavern, and arrived rather late. The tavern was packed with folks from all over, including a bard that Aaron recognized from his travels to other taverns. The group asked the clearly overworked inkeeper for rooms, and soon noticed a bulletin board listing for a witch. The prize was 200 GP, and to see the inkeeper for more information. They were directed towards a man in the back room, who introduced himself as the local gravekeeper. He noticed that many of his gravestones had been disturbed, and offered to guide the adventurers to the witch's hut.   After being dropped off at the witch's hut, the gravekeeper wished them well and disappeared into the night. The group was soon met with a horde of skeletons and spiders, which they slew with ease. Cautiously approaching the witch's hut, they noticed that there appeared to be an illusion covering a hatch to an underground lair. Descending under the bog, Yahn encountered a trap, which he deftly dodged with quick reflexes. They were met in the next room with an army of fire beetles, which they soon dispatched with their numerous attacks.   Session XP: 1003 / Player  

4 December, 2020

Lucian was tasked by the Grand Mages of Balepeak to travel to Wolrost, and stumbled upon the adventurers Poggy Woggy and Ana.   The adventurers all make their way to Wolrost, and happen upon a festival on their way into town. A mysterious bard was found playing extraordinary music on his piano on stage in front of a crowd, and after his performance walks towards the food. Lucian and Ana approach the bard and congratulate him, to which he reveals his name to be Aaron Urn. Poggy Woggy inquires what this festival happens to be celebrating, and is informed by a commoner that they are in ToshoCon, to which Aaron elaborates that it is a convention for libraries. Many people have traveled far and wide in search of the rarest books, most of which can only be found here.   As Lucian attempts to critique the historical inaccuracies of a "History of Balepeak" book he had found, a yell was heard from a nearby tent. Lucian finished his notetaking and dashed to the tent with the other adventurers, and found a group of six goblins that had surrounded a quivering man in a chef's outfit. He promised gold for their help in defeating the goblins, and thus they swiftly vanquished the enemies.   The man revealed himself to be Perrywinkle Cobblepot, and offered some of his "Gold Award" soup as payment. Poggy Woggy demanded monetary payment, and started threatening Cobblepot if not paid. Following an altercation with Ana, Poggy Woggy departed the tent. Perrywinkle Cobblepot proceeded to calm down, and then explained that he could split the prize money of a nearby food competition with the adventurers, which was negotiated to 75% going to the adventurers. Ana quickly accepted the deal, and starts the A Watched Pot Never Boils quest.  

20 November, 2020



Human | Bard | 9000 | 4  


Elf | Wizard | 9000 | 4  


Aasimir | Oracle | 9000 | 4  


Drow | Rogue | 9000 | 4  


Aasimir | Arcanist | 9000 | 4


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