Radiant Storm Physical / Metaphysical Law in Kobos | World Anvil

Radiant Storm

“The sky turned a sickly green and the glow was all-pervasive. I felt the tingle on my skin and I knew that I had to take the potion of ablution that I’d brought with me. Rodcher and I immediately began seeking shelter in a cave, but Rodcher had always been cheap and couldn’t spare the few pennies it would have cost him to buy a dose of ablution when we were in Wupan. He had been exposed when the storm hit, and his injuries were severe, his flesh warping and writhing as he rapidly blacked out. I stood by the cave entrance, watching the shooting stars rain down from the heavens with baited breath. Just one landed nearby, and I laughed: luck was with us. I set about gathering supplies to go carve up and retrieve the rock properly. Alchemists would pay good money for such a stone. That’s when the horror really started.”


A few days out of the year, a radiant storm will sweep through the world. These storms are typically several miles wide, and they’ve passed in an hour or two. They represent a regular but uncommon hazard of Kobos like tornados or hurricanes, typically occurring in late spring or early summer. The sky will turn a sickly green, but the glow is a physical thing that can extend around corners and can be felt like a mild acid on the skin. Exposure to this light is unhealthy for living creatures, though plants and fungus thrive under the glow. While the storm persists, shooting stars streak across the sky trailing a kaleidoscope of color overhead. The vast majority of these stones are evaporated before they hit the ground, but occasionally one will strike the terrain with a distinctive muffled thud. These stones are technically called “Radiant skystone” by alchemists, but everyone else typically calls them softstone or soapstone. Sometimes, a softstone will release an alien radiance when it is touched.   Farmers and alchemists find the storms to be a great boon; The radiance of the storm can multiply the yield of a crop by anywhere from three to ten. Alchemists love them due to the radiant softstone’s number of properties that can enhance their craft.
Metaphysical, Elemental

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