Primal Cult Organization in Kobos | World Anvil

Primal Cult

He's out there, the Dancing Chaos, the Burning Fiddler, the Belting Storm, the Shaking Sands, the Stampeding Wave. He'll lie to you, he'll cheat you, he'll turn you around with words and deeds. His followers are worse than he is, may as well be clowns, the lot of them. If ever you meet a stranger with a winning smirk and a quick song, think twice before you let yourself like him. If the Dancing Chaos waltzes into your town, he'll be singing its dirge by the time he leaves. Beware The Scoundrel


Individual cells are organized around charismatic leaders. These cults are disorganized to the extreme, often even engaging in secret wars with each other.

Public Agenda

Each cell's goals may vary wildly with each other, but the whole overriding philosophy is to promote a return to the state of nature.


Central to every cell is a meeting hall. The nature of this and the power each cell can bring to bear is entirely individual.

Cosmological Views

According to most versions of the Shanties of Freedom, the Demiurge destroyed the Old Ones in a titanic battle. Out of their essence, he formed the world, but there were leftovers, and some pieces of the world remember and in them hate festers. This vague memory of a world before was all the opening that The Scoundrel needed.   He awoke the remnants, he stoked their wildest urges, he planted rebellion in the heart of man and worse in the hearts of elves and dwarves. He is entropy, he is chaos, he is the slow grinding of order into disorder.

Tenets of Faith

The Scoundrel teaches his followers to avoid predictability and routine, to delight in wine, to experiment with music, to seek out happiness, joy, entertainment, and the company of others. The Dancing Chaos advises his faithful to appreciate both the jokes they play and the jokes played on them. He also teaches that misery, temperance, and solemnity are the greatest poisons to the soul.


While charismatic cult leaders and circles of druids make up the bulk of the priesthoods, there are a few adherents to the Scoundrel himself. There is no formal name for these people, but they are feared and hated by almost all civilized people.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Chaos, Druidism, Zobery
Permeated Organizations
Related Myths

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