Ethereal Guardian Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Ethereal Guardian

The Ethereal Guardian was created by Admindium solely to keep the peace inside the wizards watering hole. It prefers to stay on the main floor, but will occasionally visit the Parlor or the Casino to check on guests. When settling disputes, it will communicate telepathically with a calm and soothing voice, urging guests to deal with their issues outside. If forced into combat, it will only act to remove hostile creatures from the tavern. The spirit that governs the fog’s actions is tied to the Ethereal Plane. If a creature enters the ethereal plane, they will clearly see the spirit as a large, pale man with a muscular build and a forlorn expression. Communicating with the spirit will reveal that it loathes violence and petty disputes, and it expresses great pain when dealing with aggressive guests. It has no intention of leaving the tavern or its responsibilities, regardless of its pain.
Parents (Adopting)


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