Admindium Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Admindium (add-min-dee-um)

This alien creature resembles a spindly purple humanoid with six boney appendages that protrude from its back. These appendages resemble the limbs of a spider, and end in pointed tips. Its head is featureless, save for a large grinning mouth. It wears a white three-piece suit, and carries nothing other than a wand of wonders.   It will greet the party as if they were old friends, and welcome them to what it calls “the tavern’s greatest secret, its hidden administrator.” Admindium tells the party that it is a unique creature that feeds on emotions which come from revelry and enjoyment. This statement is actually true, but the rest of the creature’s story is a clever lie. It claims that The Wizard’s Watering Hole is not entirely independent, but is an extension of Admindium itself.    After congratulating the adventurers, it will offer a trade: if they leave the tavern and never mention their discovery, they will be given 1,000 gold pieces and an awakened mug as a companion. If the party has discovered the wizards in D3 prior to their meeting, and questions Admindium about them, the creature will firmly suggest they leave the tavern and summon the Ethereal Guardian to escort them out. If the party asks about the Comovect, Admindium will try to explain that the machine powers the tavern’s operations, in spite of it being dormant. Unless the wizards are set free, Admindium has very little interest in fighting. It will instead try to defuse arguments, or make fraudulent threats that make it appear unkillable. However, if forced into combat, it will summon all of the tavern’s constructs to help it fight.


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