Elfenwurzel Material in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

An innocuous little flowering herb, it grows in conical clumps around a woody central stem. The flowers are small, bud in singles around the stem and have an off-white, slightly pink hue. The leaves are elliptical in shape with a bumpy surface and coarse-toothed edges. Once fully grown, the leaves are a muted shade of green with fresh tips being darker and oiler.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The crisp aroma secreted by the leaves makes them excellent repellents for a variety of insects. However, the plant is widely infamous for its aphrodisiac properties. The entire plant is capable of giving these effects, although most use only the leaves. Consuming the plant in any manner works, but the leaves are commonly steeped in wine or tea (typically citrus-based ones).   These effects are mild enough in dwarves to be inconsequential. Humans are heavily influenced but are capable of maintaining their wits unless heavily dosed, whereas elves can easily become lust-drunk after consuming even a small amount.   Naturally, the guaranteed properties have led to widespread use in brothels, where it can be known as the Breath of Love, as well as many instances of recreational use.

Geology & Geography

Due to the foreign nature of its origins, the herb is largely found where civilisation has been, especially in regions with a historically heavy elven presence such as Obuzan and the Udynea Empire. That doesn't mean wild patches are impossible as it's notoriously hardy and can adapt to a variety of climates, meaning it can be found across much of the continent. It grows exceptionally well in coastal regions. Sometimes, a little too well. For this reason, those growing it for personal use often do so in containers to restrict the rapid spreading.

Origin & Source

The herb reached the continent aboard the same vessels that carried the elven refugees, largely as seeds. Given the extreme effect it has on elves, their reasoning for bringing it is unknown.



Whilst the herb's effects still work to some extent after being dried, much of its desired qualities reside in the oils and, thus, the preference is to keep the plant growing for as long as possible before use. This has led to it being sold in small bundles there were picked the same day.

Law & Regulation

Because of the sexual nature behind the effects, it is deemed inappropriate for minors to consume even a single leaf. Anyone caught knowingly supplying children face similar charges as those who molest.   This law doesn't apply to those who are involved in the herb's harvest or trade.
Crisp and spicy undertone.
The leaves have a peppery tang when chewed and leaves behind a spicy aftertaste when steeped in most liquids.
Related Species


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