Faeries Species in Knight Realms: Arawyn | World Anvil


Faeries are tricksters that stole power from Fey when the world was young. They draw upon Glamour, the latent magical energy in nature, to stay hidden from mortalkind; they primarily keep to themselves when they are not busy tormenting mortals. Faeries are masters of the elements, the primal forces of nature, and the arcane, but only the most powerful can command all three.    

Origin of the Faeries

Long ago, a race of being existed on Arawyn called the rhyen. Each rhy was attuned to a different aspect or element of the natural world, and were neither good nor bad; though they cared for their own elements greatly, very few held the greater picture of the world in as high a regard.   The rhyen chose primarily to stay out of the affairs of mankind, but some more curious ones chose to observe the strange creatures. They had no affinity for nature, were quite weak, and their craftsmanship was inferior; though they behaved quite interestingly despite their flaws. The more powerful beings left the rhyen to their own devices, but lent an incredible amount of aid to man to help counter their shortcomings in the supernatural. Some rhyen grew jealous of the gifts the immortals bestowed upon man, and when they saw the Fey begin to teach the humans Magic, they knew they had to have it.   Tricksters at heart, the rhyen devised a plan to fool the Fey. The Court of Spring were an easy target, and a young Fey was lured into the rhyen’s glade. There, they convinced him to teach them his Magic. The more he showed them, the weaker he grew; it was not until it was too late that he realized his essence was being drained into the glade. As he was destroyed, the first glade was born, and with it, a hybrid creature of both natural and magical essence. They called her a Faerhy, and she taught them to harness the latent magical energy in nature, which she called Glamour.   A city was erected with the glade at its heart and the first Faerhy as its queen. They used their newfound power over magic to hide their domains from mankind, not wanting to share their discoveries to the beings they were so jealous of. Eventually, as they mastered the power of Glamour, created new glades, and learned new magics, the people came to be dominantly Faerhyen, and called themselves such. They had the longevity of the nature they embodied and power over elements and the arcane, and found themselves far superior to the mortal races - yet they still harbored jealousy of the treatment they were given by the immortals.   The Faerhyen never forgot their trickster roots, and often tormented the mortals. Invisible to the untrained eye, humanity became the unsuspecting victim of many Faerhy tricks. If a human ever wandered into the domain of a Faerhy, it was unlikely he would ever leave, for they had a way of distorting the less powerful beings’ views of reality. The mortals came to know them as Faeries, and regarded them with fear, respect, and curiosity.    

Types of Faeries

Elemental Faeries, those who draw upon the power of one of the four elements   Nature Faeries, those who draw upon the primal powers of the natural world   Arcane Faeries, those who draw upon the powers stolen from the Fey   Witches, those who have been corrupted by the power of Chaos    

The Maitel Dynasty

Fyperia Maitel, Queen of the Faerhyen   Avalon Maitel, Sovereign of the Earth Court   Alluria Maitel, Sovereign of the Fire Court   Ashryn Maitel, Sovereign of the Air Court   Aurora Maitel, Sovereign of the Water Court

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