Creation Mythology Myth in Kirinioth | World Anvil

Creation Mythology

At the beginning of time, the world was inert stone, covered in ice. A meteor made up of chaos struck the world, melted the ice and covered the world with water. From the ice rose Aengai and from the chaos rose Nhauswedd. The two deities sat in the darkness for many years until they grew bored. Aengai created light from a bit of Nhauswedd's chaos. This light became Waell. Seeing the ocean for the first time, Nhauswedd created storms. For millennia, the three of them were content to watch the light glinting off the ocean.   Eventually, Waell grew tired and slept. This caused the light to dim, and Aengai, not wanting to sit in the dark again became angry. Aengai struck Waell awake and the two of them fought. Their fighting rumbled the earth and the sky, their blood spilled and mingled with the earth, air and water, and Aengeinhaur, Otreik, Aengeir and Veaengeihvean all came into being.   Aengeinhaur pulled up earth and each of the deities chose a place to call their own. Veaengeihvean created plants and animals and spread them throughout the world. Next each deity created Nymphs to tend to their chosen place. Nhauswedd created the Nereids to tend to the seas.

Aengai created the Lampads to tend to the void.
Waell created the Aurads to tend to the winds.
Aengeinhaur created the Oreads to tend to the mountains.
Otreik created the Naiads to tend to the rivers.
Aengeir created the Pyrrhads to tend to the volcanoes.
Veaengeihvean created the Dryads to tend to the trees.
  Over the next several millennia, the gods created several other races: the dragons, goblins, halflings, humans, ogres, reptile people, to name a few. After populating the world, the gods retreated for several generations.


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