Ylv Species in Kingdoms of the Captive Sea | World Anvil


Ylves are highly magical creatures, each of them born with the ability to cast simple spells. Most Imperials mispronounce their racial name as "elves," the reaction to this varies between the different racial groups. Luhathans view this with a snicker, whereas Firrason Ylves get very upset indeed, as they consider names very important.

Basic Information


Ylves appear humanoid, with light-colored to tan skin tones. Ylves tend towards lighter builds, though fat elves are not unheard of. Ylvein eyes tend towards colors that are lighter than other species, with some common ylvein eye colors being unusual in other species, such as violet or pink.   Ylvein physiology reacts strongly with how much magic the ylv knows. As they learn and cast more spells, they grow taller and without putting on a corresponding amount of heft. An adult elf that is not magically active varies in height from 3'6" to 4'6", whereas a highly active mage may grow to be anywhere from 9'6" to 10'6".   Ylves are not quite as sexually dimorphic as humans. Female and male elves look like male and female humans but vary from each other less in height and weight at a similar magical ability.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ylves are born smaller than humans, ranging from 2 to 5 pounds at birth, and they grow more slowly, attaining physical maturity around the age of 35. Their emotional maturity happens much earlier, though, with reaching an adult-like state at about the same age as humans.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ylvein eyes can directly perceive the substance of magic, both the Essential Fluid and the Accessory Web. There view on the essence of magic is that the Accessory Web acts as a form for the Essential Fluid, in much the same way that bones act as a form for flesh.


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