Sheca Ethnicity in Kingdoms of the Captive Sea | World Anvil


Th Sheca are a sea-going people native to the Captive Sea area. They are a gregarious people, mixing with the populations around them and trading for goods through the Captive Sea.   It is not uncommon for Sheca to speak multiple languages by the time they reach adulthood, and the gathering of languages is seen as a goal in its own right.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names begin with vowel sounds, a e and o are the most common. Women usually have four names behind their surname.

Masculine names

Masculine names begin with a consonant sound, such as B or K. They end in a vowel sound much as female names do. Masculine names are bestowed in pairs and precede the surname.

Unisex names

Unisex names exist in Shecan, but are exclusively used to name objects, which the Sheca do to any object they consider important.

Family names

Sheca don't have family names, instead, they take the name of one of their parents, (the father for men, the mother for women and men that do not know who their father is,) and add a suffix; -da for men and -de for women.


Major language groups and dialects

Sheca speak Shecan, it is one of the factors that unifies them as a culture. Sheca will commonly learn the language of the peoples around them for the purpose of trade.    It is frowned upon to teach Shecan to outsiders, and they will not do so without a promise not to teach it to any non-Sheca.

Shared customary codes and values

Hard work and respect for the sea are common values among the Sheca.

Average technological level

Sheca are one of the few TL 4 societies on Pyroeis.

Common Dress code

Sheca, both male and female, dress in bright colors. They dress for the weather, as Sheca communities stretch the entire circumference of the Captive Sea. It is not uncommon for them to pick up bobbles from the communities around them and incorporate them into their outfits.

Art & Architecture

Sheca houses and boats are exquisitely carved, works of art in their own right, as would be expected in a people so versed in carpentry.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Births among the Sheca are a time to celebrate. If the father is home, they are expected to throw a party for friends and family about two weeks after the child's birth to introduce the child to the community.

Coming of Age Rites

Sheca children are expected to know how to swim by the age of ten and are not considered adults until they participate in a swimming race around age 15. Both men and women participate in the race.


Beauty Ideals

LIthe, thin bodies, for both women and men, are considered the standard of beauty. Those that are too large are often chided about their size.

Gender Ideals

Among the Sheca, men are usually sailors and fisherman, whereas women fill a more domestic role, taking care of children and the like.

Courtship Ideals

Because many men are sailors among the Sheca, courtships are either very short or a prolonged drawn-out affair. This gives the man the chance to go to sea and come back. Men are expected to bring gifts from far away as a sign that they are always thinking about their betrothed.

Relationship Ideals

Because men often spend a lot of time at sea, months and years in some cases, neither partner is expected to remain sexually faithful. However, they are encouraged to use birth control methods to make sure they do not create a child out of wedlock.


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